Chapter 3

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The next day everything was normal again.
I was hanging around with Chris and Pj, and not saying a word to Phil.

It was almost like yesterday was completely forgotten, and no one mentioned anything of it, like it never even happened. I figured it was the best thing to do. I wasn’t even fully myself or aware of what I was doing or saying. 

It was almost like all the loneliness I had experienced during the first weeks changed me but then suddenly I was back to normal. I didn’t get the feeling that I wanted to sit alone on the floor in an empty hallway anymore. I wanted to be how I was and I think that’s why I was trying now.

In class, I could feel Phil staring at me, but I always looked down, avoiding his glance.

But every so often, I would look up just to see if he was still keeping his eyes on me, and for a second I held his gaze before quickly looking down at my notes again. Maybe he was confused of why I was still with Chris and Pj, but I wasn’t up for explaining, they’re my friends. 

I kept my head bowed down but my eyes looked up to check, and for once he wasn’t staring at me, which caused me to sit up straight and finally not have to keep looking down at my notes.

”Dude” Chris spoke quietly.

I turned my head to look at him, raising my eyebrows to show that I was listening.

”Why’re you looking that way all the time?” He smirked and nodded a bit towards where Phil was sitting.

”I’m not” I responded and rolled my eyes, leaning forward and resting my arms on the desk.

Chris elbowed me gently and laughed. ”Yeah right” 

He was acting like a five-year-old. This wasn’t any of his business anyway.

Honestly, I was looking because I wanted Phil to pay attention to me. I liked it when he looked at me and I was wishing he would turn around to look at me again so I could hold his gaze for a little longer. 

Whilst I was all up in my daydreaming, I snapped back into reality when Chris threw something across the room, in Phils direction, and I quickly gave Chris a angry look.

”Chill, it was just paper” Chris smirked and nodded towards the direction he threw it and I looked over there.

It had hit a girl who looked at us, confused.

”Dan likes you” Chris mouthed and pointed at me. I didn’t know what to do or say. Chris was actually behaving like a small child. 

Phil turned around as well, and I took my chance to look him in the eyes for a little longer, before half-smiling and that’s when he turned back around.

The girl was still looking at us and I made an apologetic expression and shook my head, letting her know that Chris only was playing. 

”Dude you’re no fun” He exclaimed but I just shook my head at him.

”You’re acting like a kid. Grow up.”

Chris seemed surprised by my reaction, he was obviously expecting me to react like I used to, laughing and thinking it was funny, but for some odd reason, it wasn’t this time. I still had to figure out why everything was changing for me, and why I even cared so much about getting Phils attention.

When class ended, I didn’t bother waiting for Chris and Pj, I just walked straight out and to my locker. 

I felt anger, but I wasn’t sure for what reason.

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