Chapter 12

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It has been two weeks since we got back from the trip.

The winter break was near, and I couldn't be less excited. The school had put up different christmas decorations around the corridors and in the classrooms to make us feel more christmassy, which didn't work very well for me.

And also, the winter dance was coming up and that was probably the only thing I was thrilled for.

I was walking through the hallway, I hadn't seen Chris or Pj today, which was strange. I was hoping I'd see them in our next class.

The people in front of me were walking extremely slowly, and I had to bite my tongue not to say anything dumb, I got irritated very easily.

When they finally took a turn, I was free to go as fast as I wanted to, and their slowness caused me to be late, again.

I ran up to the classroom door and saw a small note that the teacher had put on it.

'If you are late; please do not knock. I will let you in after 10 minutes or when appropriate. Thank you.'

I groaned in annoyance and took a seat on the pew-like bench opposite the door.

I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my tight black jeans and started scrolling through facebook, looking at strange statuses people have made. What the hell was wrong with these people?

"Oh you're late too." A voice said and I turned my head to see who it was.

Louis was standing there, looking at me with a shy smile on his face but instead of replying to him I turned my head down again, continuing the scrolling.

Louis sat down beside me, a lot of space between us. I was uncomfortable in his presence and I wanted him to leave, which I knew he wouldn't since he's in this class with me.

"Are you taking Phil to the winter dance?" He asked and I looked him with a serious expression.

"Why, do you want to take him? Because that's not happening." I stated, my voice was firm and the look in my eyes was threatening.

"No that's not what I...I mean I don't want to, I mean...not because he's not nice but I just wouldn't..." He tried, obviously nervous and as horrible as it probably sounds, I was enjoying it. I had grown to dislike Louis more than I probably should, but I didn't feel bad about it.

"I get it." I said, tired of him trying to explain what he meant.

I knew that Phil and Louis had started to hang out again, and it didn't bother me as much as it should, since I disliked him and all. I figured trust was important so that' what I did, I trusted Phil with this, and everything else.

The classroom door opened and our teacher stood there, waiting for us to come in.

"Howell. Detention. This has happened too many times now." She said as I walked past her.

I rolled my eyes when she couldn't see and sat down in an empty seat next to some guy I didn't know.

The teacher was talking about the industrial revolution, something that I wasn't particularly interested in.

I was so tried, my eyes were practially closing by themselves and I tried so hard to keep them open in this boring class.

Time went by so slowly. I kept looking at the clock, trying to count the seconds but that just made it seem like it took even longer for the class to finish.

As soon as the bell rang I sprinted out of the classroom and to my locker, where Chris and Pj were already waiting for me.

"Hey guys I was looking for you today." I said as I came closer.

I put the key in the lock and opened it, putting all my books in.

"Wanna go skateboard? This was your last class right? We could go straight away." Pj suggested and I thought it was a great idea until I remembered about detention.

"I can't. I have detention." I said. My voice got quieter with each letter I spoke.

"Dude what did you do this time?" Chris laughed.

"I was late to class, again." I explained.

Neither one of them said anything, there wasn't much to say really.

"Well...we're gonna go then. If you get out early or something you could still come to the skatepark. We'll be there until like 7." Pj said before they both left the school.

I took a pen with me to detention because I figured we'd probably be writing something, or reading.

I hadn't been in detention before, ever, so I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what kind of people would be there or anything like that.

I opened the big door that said 'detention. 4-6' and took a seat in the back of the room.

There were a few people there already, two girls and three guys. I wondered if more would come.

I picked my phone up. I figured I should text Phil, letting him know I probably wouldn't be able to come over tonight because of this.

The door opened and I quickly put my phone away, thinking it was the teacher, which it wasn't.

It was Hailey, and I immediately regretted being late for that one class earlier today.

She saw me and a huge smile appeared on her slim face as she approached me, taking the free seat next to me.

"Oh my god I didn't know I'd find you here!" She giggled and I just flashed her a small fake smile, hoping she wouldn't start a conversation, but she did.

"Have you thought about the winter dance?" She asked.

To be honest, I hadn't, not really. I was thinking about taking Phil because that would be the obvious choice, but then I thought about my reputation. No one in this school knew I was with Phil, and if I went with him it could ruin everything for me, and it could end badly for him too.

"Yeah I have." I spoke after a while and she scooted her desk closer to mine.

"Who are you gonna go with?" She asked.

I felt her disgusting cigarette breath in my face and I had to try hard not to gag.

I knew this was a bad idea, but I also knew Chris would approve, and it would look good.

"Maybe you. If you want to."

I clenched my fist under the desk. I hated what I said and I hated her, but I had to.

"Duh! I'd love to go with you." She responded, rubbing her hand on my thigh.

I was really uncomfortable, so I tried to sit up straight, hoping her hand would get off me, but it didn't.

The teacher came in and handed each of us a copy of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' and said that we needed to read it all, and when we were done we could leave.

I hated these kind of books, or, if I was going to be correct, plays. Why would we read a script to a play.

I opened the book and started reading, as fast as I could. I wanted to get out of there before Hailey was done. The last thing I needed was her clinging to me on the way home.

Over an hour had passed, and I was nearly finished. I glanced over at Hailey and saw that she had over half the book left. I smiled to myself as I read the last few pages.

I closed the book and Hailey looked at me as I stood up and walked up to the teacher, leaving my book.

I left the classroom, happy that I didn't have to go with her.

"Dan wait!" I heard someone shout behind me so I turned around.

Naturally, it was Hailey. Running towards me.

"Thank god she let me leave. I wasn't even finished but whatever right? Now we can hang out." She said, standing very close to me, almost too close. I wondered if she thought I fancied her just because I asked her to the winter dance.

"I can't I have to go to a friends house to finish a project." I lied convincingly.

"Come on, you don't need to do that do you?" She tried but I took a few steps back.

"I do, actually. It's due tomorrow."

I ran off, leaving her behind me. I already regretted asking her because I didn't think she'd be this clingy.

I still had time to go to the skatepark, but I decided to go straight home, I was way too tired to do anything.

I opened our front door and walked in as quietly as I could.

I saw my mother sleeping on the couch as I made my way to my room.

My door was closed, as usual, and I opened it and walked in, crashing on my bed letting out a huge sigh. Today was awful. I didn't even get to see Phil. I wondered if he even came to school today.

The next morning I got up extra early to get ready, because my mum was going to work earlier and I needed to be out of the house before she got up. She was always extra cranky in the morning.

I grabbed my backpack and made my way through the house, the floor was creeking as usual.

I closed the front door behind me carefully and then I started walking towards school with fast steps.

The school was still closed when I arrived, so I sat down on the ground in front of the main entrance.

Thankfully, it wasn't snowing, but the wind was cold enough to make me shiver.

I glanced over at the clock and saw that they should be opening in about ten minutes, so it wasn't too much to wait.

I saw someone walking towards me, but I couldn't figure out who, and staring at them would be wrong and strange, so instead I picked my phone up and launched the angry birds app, trying to kill time.


I paused the game and looked up to see a familiar face.

A smile appeared on my face and I stood up.

"Hey." I said and hugged him.

Phil wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly and I did the same.

"You're here so early! Why?" I asked.

"I need to study before class. I forgot the homework so I decided to do it now." He explained and I nodded. Phil didn't ask why I was here so early, I figured he already knew the reason.

"I think they're opening now." Phil said and I turned around to see the janitor open the doors from inside.

We went inside and straight to the library where Phil would do his homework as I played 'angry birds'.


"Finally done." I said as I closed the history book.

"What was it about?" Dan asked as he put his phone away.

"World War II."

"Fun." Dan said sarcastically.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, scooting my chair closer to him.

I pecked his lips a few times before Dan decided it wasn't enough and pulled me in to a proper kiss.

I had missed his lips against mine, even though it had only been a day.

"We should get to class." I whispered and Dan agreed.

When we got out of the library the halls were already full of people.

Luckily, we had the same class, so we just stuck together as we tried to get through.

"Are you going to the winter dance?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so. I mean, they're boring anyway." He replied.

I always thought he went, I mean, I had never attended one, but I thought since he was one of the popular kids, that he always attended it.

"What about you?" He continued.

"I don't think so. I never go."

Dan looked relieved, somehow, but I didn't know why, and I didn't ask.

"When is it anyway?" I asked.



I didn't know it was that soon. I definitely thought it would be at least another week or something.

"I couldn't go anyway then, I have to visit my aunt with my mum." I remembered and Dan laughed.

"Don't laugh! It's not funny she's horrible!" I said, trying not to laugh myself.

But Dan just kept laughing and it was contagious, so I started laughing at last.

"See, it is funny!"

"Shut up I'm laughing at you you dork!" I said and it caused Dan to laugh even more.

"Why are we even laughing Dan this isn't even funny." I stated, still laughing.

At this point both of us were just laughing at nothing, but I enjoyed it. I really liked being able to just laugh at nothing with Dan, because that's what made this thing between us special rather than just awkward.

Dan stopped laughing though, when someone called his name from behind.

He just froze and I looked to see who it was.

The girl put her hands over Dans eyes and rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Guess who." She whispered and Dan ripped her hands off of his face and took a few steps away from her and closer to me.

I didn't know her, but I guessed Dan did. Probably one of his popular friends. I wondered if it was good for his reputation to even walk around school with me.

"We have to go." Dan said quickly and grabbed my arm, turning away from the girl.

"What time will you pick me up tomorrow?" She shouted after us and I stopped walking.

Dan looked at me and then at her, and then she walked up to us again.

"So?" She said.

"What does she mean?" I asked and Dan didn't answer, but the girl did.

"We're going to the winter dance? Duh?" Her tone was mocking and I didn't like it.

"W-winter dance?" I said, trying not to sound too disappointed.

"We really have to go now. I'll be there at 6." Dan said and grabbed my arm again, pulling me away from her and we walked to the end of the corridor.

I was waiting for an explanation.

"I'm sorry I lied to you saying I wouldn't go but this is why." He started. "Going with you wouldn't be good for my reputation. I need to go with a girl and she needs to be somewhat on the same level as me when it comes to...popularity." He continued explaining.

I nodded, letting him know that I understand, but it still stung.

"So you're ashamed of being seen with me?" I asked.

"No! No, of course not come on Phil!"

I was trying to think about what I would do if I were in his shoes. I would probably do the same, I think.

"The thing is, if I go with you, it could end badly, and not only for me." Dan continued and I kept nodding.

I wondered if he meant it of if he only said it to make me feel better.

"You have to trust me. I trust you, Phil. I do. Do you know how much I hate it when you hang out with Louis? But I trust you that you won't cheat on me. And I need you to trust me too, because if you don't it just won't work." Dan said.

I did trust him, but what hurt was that he had to lie to me about it.

"I trust you." I finally said.

Dan wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

I buried my face in his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him even tighter.

"We really should go to class now." Dan pointed out and I realized that we probably would be late.

"I think we're gonna be late." I said.

"Fuck. I can't be late again. I was in detention yesterday for being late to class. Come on let's go." Dan said and he grabbed my hand in his, and holding it tightly he ran to the classroom with me running after him.

I really did trust him. But I was still worried, because I had never gotten the impression of him being the very faithful type, but maybe he has changed. I mean, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk to that girl so much, but that could've been because I was there. But I had never seen him talk to her before, ever. Not even before him and I started speaking to each other. I knew the right thing to do was just trust him and then see how things turn out, but there was this thing in the back of my mind that told me I should go to the dance, just to see how it goes.


wow sorry for the filler but yeah.
im actually going on vacation for about two weeks from the 26th so i dont know when the next part will come out but i guess ill have plenty of time to write on the 10 hour flight there and the 10 hour flight back so if i find internet at the hotel or something i might publish the next part but if that wont be possible i will be back on the 9th of january so the next part should be up during that week! im sorry for this but i cant really do much about it but thank you for reading this, still! x

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