Chapter 19

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Phil woke up a few hours after the phonecall, and he turned a bit in the bed before rubbing his eyes, and a weak smile crept on to his face. 

Phil reached for his phone, but quickly realized that it wasn’t on the small table next to his bed. The confused look stayed on Phils face until he saw it on the floor, and he streched his arm out to grab it. 

He quickly checked for any missed calls, but saw none. 

Dan was going to call him today. Phil couldn’t think about anything else. He would hear Dans voice today. 

The smile on Phils face grew even bigger as he slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake Louis. 

”You’re up.” 

Phil jumped slightly and put his hand on his chest. 

”God you scared me! I thought you were sleeping.” Phil exclaimed and looked and Louis, who was laying on his back with his arms crossed behind his head for support.

”No, I’ve been up for a few hours actually. Just didn’t want to wake you.” Louis admitted and thought about the chat he had had with Dan earlier today.

”Good thing you’re up anyway, we should get some breakfast! Do you mind if we go out to eat? I don’t think we have much here right now, my mum forgot to go grocery shopping.” Phil spoke, and Louis just nodded in agreement.

Phil smiled at his friend and picked some clothes out of his wardrobe. Today was going to be quite a warm day, and Phil enjoyed how the sun shone through the window.

Phil left his room and walked over to the bathroom to get ready. He figured Louis could get dressed in the meantime, and he could later use the bathroom if he wanted to.


Phil looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed and moved his right hand through his bushy hair. It hadn’t been this messy in a long time, and he couldn’t seem to find his straightener. 

Phil looked through all the drawers, but found nothing. 

”God damnit.” Phil whispered under his breath and slammed the last drawer shut in annoyance over how he always lost things.

He took a deep breath and looked at himself again. Phil never usually concentrated much on how he looks, except for the hair. He had never noticed how thin and pale his lips are, and how unsually pale his skin is, but how his cheeks had a hint of pink blended in them. 

He looked himself in the eyes through the mirror. A kind of cold-blue staring back at him, and he blinked a few times, before snapping out of it and grabbing his shirt to finally get dressed and ready to go. 

Phil opened the cabinet door in search for his cologne, but it, as well as his straightener, wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

”What the hell?” Phil questioned, and closed the cabinet door carefully. 

He decided to ignore all his missing things and just go back to his room. Maybe Louis wanted to use the bathroom as well.

Phil knocked on the door before walking in, just in case. He didn’t know if Louis was still getting dressed or not.

”Yeah come in.” Phil heard Louis say through the door and Phil did as he said.

”You ready?” Phil asked, closing the door behind him.

”Yeah!” Louis said happily. ”And I’m starving!” 

Phil smiled at his friend as they both exited Phils room and then the house.

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