Chapter 30

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After a restless night of tossing and turning, I wake with a certain realization that I need to clear things up with Sophie and let her know I don't consider her a girlfriend. She's a sweet girl, but we don't have much in common, and I just can't pretend anymore. Sophie's vision of the future is so different from mine—filled with parties and social functions.

I try to imagine Sophie helping me in Africa, and I can't picture it. She might be fine to visit sometime (especially if the vacation includes something exotic like selfies with elephants that will make her a hit at the dinner parties). Living there on and off indefinitely, though? She can't even imagine the difficult lives of the people I work with. It's not easy work. It's a heavy responsibility. I don't know anyone who even wants to take it on other than those I work with, and possibly Beth if she was ever able to break away from her family's stifling grasp. It was her dream once, anyway.

Sophie doesn't even know me. That's the craziest thing. I've been letting this girl kiss me and she knows next to nothing about me. She hasn't bothered to ask.

I stayed up late talking with Beth about her options. I can't believe she came so close to walking away from the competition. Peter had been no help at all. He was all understanding and reminding her that family does come first, after all. What does he know about how complex this situation is? I was relieved when he left and I could finally talk some sense into her. Fortunately, Sophie joined me, and together we were able to convince Beth that she should finish the competition.

By the time Sophie and I returned to the inn, it was after midnight. I hurried to my room before Sophie could kiss me again, though I could tell she wanted to. I feel guilty receiving Sophie's kisses when my heart belongs to another. This isn't fair to either Beth or Sophie. I don't know if I still have a shot at Beth. Even if she won't have me, I know Sophie isn't right for me.

I pull out the album and look at the picture of me and Beth for the twentieth time. I am reminded of the life and the woman I once wanted, the life I'm beginning to dream might be possible for me again. I know Beth wants to put our past behind her, but I think I can convince her to be part of my future. I know her heart is with her home and Olivia, but it was once her dream once to go to Africa and do the things I'm doing.

I remember talking about her dreams while strolling under the red elm trees along Harvard Way. Her eyes shone as she described the work she hoped to do. I wonder how much of what I do now was originally her idea, and how much of it has become mine. In some ways, our dreams have become intertwined. If I can only remind her of that dream, convince her how much these people need her, maybe she will be willing to work with me.

The other tricky thing is she can't help me unless she finds a way to also care for Olivia.

One thing is certain. The only way that I can possibly convince Beth to consider me is if I break up with Sophie soon. She would never want to cause pain to a friend. So as much as I'm not looking forward to it, it's what I will do.

The two remaining team members and I gather together to discuss our plans. Sophie is shooting her video today, and I don't want to upset her beforehand. She needs to focus completely on that task first. There will be plenty of time to break the news to her afterward. She spends the morning perfecting Snickerdoodle's outfits and practicing her presentation on me. She has it nailed. Pete, the other member of my group still in the competition, is well prepared also.

Sophie's plan for her video is to show the product in action, trapping kinetic energy within the dog's clothes to power any small device with a USB port. The latest prototype has come a long way from its initial stages. Sophie had turned her passion for animal fashion into a line of dog clothes that reflect the sun, keeping the animal cool and comfortable underneath, much like a windshield reflector. My idea had been to incorporate the kinetic energy component into the product, making her a standout in two categories - textile and energy. She still has a long way to go in developing it, but she has already accomplished an amazing amount and I hope the investors/judges will be able to appreciate the vision.

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