Writing tips

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Writing Tips

It's something that every writer looks for sometimes. Even the best writers need help writing and look for tips. Never fear though, because you have come to the right place! :)

Today I am going to give you guys 10 good tips that I have use and have learned, and they have helped me a ton in my stories.

#1: NEVER try to force yourself to write. Let it flow out of you when you write, you will be surprised what you see in the final result. If you force yourself to wrote however, then you will notice that the story/ chapter won't flow right and will turn out all choppy and let's just say not good.

#2: when you write, try to listen to calming music, like inspirational music, it helps me write a lot faster and it's also supposed to make your brain get more engaged into what you are doing.

#3: don't worry if your story or chapter is long enough, no matter what anybody says. If you choose to have it be a certain length then it's your choice and people will either have to accept that or go read some other story.

#4: if your ever have writers block then just write about something that happened to you, good or bad, just change a few things here or there and bam you have a new chapter for a story :) this will also normally help you get over the writers block.

#5: read different stories. You will never get anywhere in your writing if you don't go out and read some books to get a better understanding of one of your ideas or just to simply learn new ways to write.

#6: listen to advice that people give you. Even if it's not good criticism, accept it, because the best criticism is the bad kind. With good criticism all you have to take from that is happiness, but with bad criticism you can go and apply it to your story and make it even better then it was before.

#7: give it to people to read. Before you publish it, give it to a close family member or close friend to read. They can read it and then give you some good feedback that can help you make the book better and you can also get a glimpse into what people expect when they read a book.

#8: research. Yes I said research. The only way you can truthfully write something accurately is if you know the history behind what your writing.

#9: look up tips. Don't just look in one place for tips, look at various other places and expand your knowledge. It will help you in the long run.

#10: finally number 10. Join contests here in Wattpad. The more you write the better you will get at it! They're also really fun to be a part of!


Hope these tips helped you! If you ever need me to read any of your stories just PM me on my profile and I will gladly read your story and give you some good and honest feedback :)

Love, Butterfly440

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