Chapter 8

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She grabbed his hands as they laid in the white bed sheets, and looked right into his ocean blue eyes, the same color as his dragon scales. She sat over him and he just looked at her wondering what she was doing.

Jamie what ar-," He was cut off as Jamie placed a finger over his lips, signaling for him to not speak.

She closed her eyes and he did as she did, but what happened is something he wasn't expecting.

Hello Danny, my mate. A voice came in in his head.

He lets go of her hands and jumps up from the bed. His eyes were wide as he ran his fingers threw his hair. "What was that?" He asked, "Did you just speak to me?"

Jamie quickly nods her head in excitement.

"How?" He asked.

She pointed to her head then her heart. She put her thoughts and emotions together to speak.

"Can you do it again?" He asked eagerly, wanting to hear her speak again. He sat back on the bed and locked hands with her.

They both locked hands with each other again and closed their eyes.

When I ran off I saw something, or you could say someone. It was my grendmother. She taught me how to do this, but I can only speak to you with it.

"Why can't you talk to your parents?" He asked, "Plus your grandmother was killed."

The two continued to talk to hours. He enjoyed the sound of her voice, even though it was in his head. He couldn't be more happier then he was at that moment, besides when he first got to tell her that she was his and he was hers.

They sat there playing with their toy as Darnell was doing something that had concern the castle and Drew was in the process of making lunch.

Danny watched as Jamie played with the My Little Pony toys that laid across the hard wood floor. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Today marked the seventh year of Danny to be able to shift and his party was at two. Danny had been working on what to say to Jamie for two days. He would stay up late at night writing ideas on paper and tossing it away into the trash thinking that it wasn't perfect. He had to tell the perfect girl the perfect words.

Two o'clock came around fast as the six year old and the seven year old played. Drew walked into the living room  looking at the two young mates. It was rare for mates to find each other at a young age, almost next to impossible.  It was just luck that the two met when they did because dragons usually stay isolated in the mountains, staying with their own kind. Of course Drew hated how Danny ended up in their home. Who could possibly  want to attack dragons? 

As everyone started to show up Danny grew more anxious to declared his love in front of  everyone. Yes Danny is only seven but he knows what his heart is telling him and what his dragon is saying. He wanted to tell everyone that she was his and his only. He wasn't going to share her with anyone or anything. 

 Jamie came running up to him. He caught her in his arms and hugged her tight to him. "Hi Jamie." Danny said as he held her. He loves when she is in his arms. When she is in his arms he knows that she is safe and protected. No one could harm her while she is with him, he wouldn't let anyone touch her unless he knew the person and knew that they would do her no harm. 

"Danny. Jamie," Drew called from the front door, "Emiliah and Jaliah is here." 

The two children run into the door way to see their cousins. Danny and the twins were born on the same year. They haven't been able to see one another for a few months due to Hunter and Daisy on a family vacation. The four cousins were very close and jumped in excitement at the sight of each other. 

"We miss you," The twins say embracing Danny and Jamie in hugs.

"Come on you four," Hunter says to the children, "Everyone is here and the party is starting."

The four ran outside with Hunter following close behind. Everyone was in the back yard. Aunts and Uncles, cousins, grandfathers, and friends. When they came out back everyone cheered at the sight of the birthday boy. Danny stood proud in front of his family with Jamie in his arms. 

"I have something I need to say," Danny said, everyone went quiet at this. He took out the paper from his pocket and looked at it before tossing it behind him. "I had a whole paper of what to say," He says as the paper landed on the ground behind him, "But i think it would be better if i spoke my heart. Jamie there is something I've always wanted to tell you. Jamie you are the best person to be with. You make me happy and I hope I make you happy as well. I couldn't have asked for a better mate. I love you Jamie Danyell Herington." Danny placed a small Kiss on her cheek and everyone looked at the two in 'awe'. 

That is one day that neither Jamie or Danny could forget or wanted to forget. That was one of the best days that could have happened to them.

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