Chapter 13

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The next morning at school everyone stayed clear of the two. No one wanted to dare mess with Jamie or Danny. Danny was still angry at what had happened with Jay.

Danny and Jamie walked to their lockers, which were right beside each other, and started to get their books out. They heard someone behind them and turned to see Jay.

Danny growled at the sight of him. What suprised Jamie was that Jay was submitting to Danny. Jamie was quick to make Danny stop growling and she looked at Jay. She gave him a "can-I-help-you?" look, but Jay just gave a confused look.

"She wants to know what you want." Danny hissed.

"I came to apologize," He says, "I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm hoping we can put everything behind us."

"No." Danny said fast.

Jamie turned and hit his chest. He watched at she stared at him. He knew what she wanted. She wanted to give Jay a second chance.

Danny groaned, running his hand over his face. "Fine," He mumbled threw his hand, "one more chance. But I swear to you that if you pull a stunt like that again you will be put six feet in the ground."

Jay nodded and mouthed a thank you to Jamie.

Jamie smiled and nodded at him. She quickly grabbed Danny's arm and tried to drag him to class but with her tiny figure she couldn't even move him an inch.

"Better get going," Danny said when he felt Jamie pull on him, "before we are late for class."

"Same." Jay said.

Danny picked Jamie up and threw her over his shoulder and took off running through school and to their class.

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