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Chapter 8 Skinny

"Whaatt? I was not staring at you!, staringg ... ha ... ha ... " Ok, that was awkward. "Ok then, if you say so.." We were quiet for a second.

"Ready for dinner?"Austin says enthusiastically. Reject Ally. You are fat. About 2 days you can eat something. Drink plenty of water. "I ... I'm not hungry, "I said. He brought the soup to the table and sat down. I went at him. With my glass of water. I drank him empty. I was still hungry. I ran to the kitchen and I drank another glass of water. I walked back to my place and I came down in Austin. "Ally, have you eaten something today?" he asked. "Yes, 2 slices of bread in the morning. And a sandwich in the cafeteria. Not to mention 2 apples. "I lied. I had today might appeal to. "well so. .. I began to worrie. "said Austin smiling. I laughed with it. Fake of course. O god, If i known. I sighed deeply. Against Austin lying was difficult. I could not lie. After he ophad his soup we walked together to the top.

"Where is your mother?" I asked. "They had to go through work, she is only at home in the night." I let myself fall into bed. "Austin?" I asked. "Yes?" "How long can I stay here?" I asked. "No idea, but it would be irresponsible to you on the street to let go. Just as you bring back to your father. Provisional keep you here. "said Austin. I got that jitters. That annoying jitters which I got as Austin laughed to me, or looked at me, or was close to me, or somethingsaid to me. "I go to sleep ..." said Austin. "Ok, good night then! i can't sleep, I'm not even tired. I'll be right back. "

I said. I waved to him when I left the room. I sat down on the couch. I began to sing softly. That calmed me. I sang always. At my homework, if I was sad. If I was sad, if I was angry, if I was in love. And the more I saw him. The worse it was. I needed to be carefull. I finally had him as a friend. If I called him my friend. I had to be patient.

I lay on the couch. No sense to move up to run. no energy. The tv was on. I lay on the couch. My 5th glass of water to drink. This was my first day. I was a wimp, a quitter. Yes, that was me. I had to continue. For Austin.

SO, this was chapter 8.

Nobody understands (Austin and Ally fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن