Who Did This?

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Chapter 16 Who did this?

Austin and I walked hand in hand within the school. People stared at us and I started feeling uncomfortable. "They stare us." I whispered in Austin's ear. "Shhh ... It doesn't matter. Let them stare. "he said back. I expected that Austin would be ashamed of me. But he didn't. Instead, he threw his arm around me.

Cassidy glared at me with a disgust look. Uggh Cassidy. I popped in Austin's chest. I was nervous. "Calm down Alls" Hey sofly whispered in my ear. He kissed my forehead and we walked on. We both had another class. I biology and Austin economy. "Bye Alls" he said waving at me while walking away from me. I waved back. I walked to my locker and saw Cassidy. "Ally, Ally, Ally ... You don't think Austin actually likes you. He dumps you so again. Austin is mine bitch!. "she shouted. She hit me in my face and kicked me in my stomach. She beat me at my locker. My head hit the metal and I fell to the ground. Cassidy walked away. The corridor was empty. I was alone. No one who could help me out.

I moaned in pain. With my hand on my head where blood came out. This was not good. I tried to stand up but I did not come up. I tried to call for help but there just came sobbing out of my throat. The time was slow. I tried to breathe but I ended up crying in pain. After an hour the lessons were finally over. The bleeding was stopped by my vest. There were children. Sometimes, they looked at me, but they did nothing. The teachers had a meeting. Austin came running with a frightened look on his face. He picked me up and held me close. He lifted me out while I cried. "Whoever did this Alls?" he said in a trembling voice. "Cass..SS. idy "I stuttered. "That slut!" he cries. He put me into the car. "Where are we going?" I asked weakly. He looked up from driving. "I bring you to the hospital." When he drove on. I tried to keep my eyes open. But suddenly everything went black.

I woke up in a white hospital bed. Blinded by the bright light. I saw Austin sit next to me. "Ally!" he said. He hugged me and kissed me on my lips. "Hey." i said sofly. "The doctor said that everything is fine. They have your head attached and you must stay in the hospital another night. Tomorrow you can go home. "he said."What? I would not stay here Austin! Really not! "I said. "Then I'll give you what to look forward to." he said smirking. "What?" i asked. "We will go tomorrow on our first date." he said. "I'm looking forward to!" I cried. Austin laughed, "I thought so, i will Always be by your side.

"Thanks Austin. You know, you are really the best thing that ever happend to me! "he smiled sweetly at me. "And you are my everything Alls. I can't live without you! '

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