Living With

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11 Living with

Ally's POV my father was dead. Death. The words haunted around in my head.

He kicked me out a week ago. But he was my father. He was rattled. I Had to come back sooner. He Was then still alive. Was he sorry. He Was upset. This Was my fault. Was my father dead because of me? Tears rolled down my face. Drop for drop. More and more. I gave no sob. I tried to stay quiet. I did my best not to cry. In order not to collapse. If you had no parents. Then you were an orphan. I was an orphan. I would be put in an orphanage. I didn't want to be away from everyone. I meant Austin and Mimi. I had no one else. "Austin?" I whispered weakly. He said nothing. He hugged me. His arms around my waist. His Chin on my shoulder. "Shhhh ... Alls ...I am with you ... I'll stick with you ... "he said in a soothing tone. "Where do I live Austin? I am now officially an orphan, "I said anxiously. I put my head between my legs. A few minutes later we stopped for Austin's House. We walked inside. "Be right back" he said. He walked up. I sat down on the couch. Afraid of what was to come. I heard Austin above call. "So, is that good? I will ask. Bye MOM. "he said, he ran down. "What was that?" i asked confused. "Wait a second." he said. He walked up to the pc. He opened the pc and looked at the screen. I stared at him. I tried to figure out what he was up to.

After a few minutes he closed the laptop. He laid the laptop aside and turned to me. "Ally? I want to ask you something. "said Austin. "I had spoken to my mom, and she thinks it is a great idea. And i looked at my pc if it is possible. And it is! "he said enthusiastically. What was Austin talking about? What did he mean? "Austin, what do you mean?" i asked him. "Ally, we want to adopt you!" Austin said smiling. "Are you being serious? ' i asked. I began to cry. "Ally, i didn't mean to hurt you, it was just a. ..." i cut him or. I hugged him and started crying in his chest. "Austin ... i.. yes ... thank.. you ... so ... mutch "i said between sobbing. I looked up at him. "Wait, we will be ..." "Brother and sister" Austin continues. "Brother and sister..." I was in love with my future brother. "We will live together!" I say excited. Austin hugged me back. He held me tight. "This is great! ' he screams."Austin ... Can't ... Breathe! "I say quietly. He laughed and let go of me. "Sorry" he said.

"But how are you going to arrange that?" I wondered. "MOM is coming home from her work. Then she settles everything. And then you come in our family. This is really great! I'm going to learn you how to bake pancakes. I'll let you see my video games, and we're going to hold movie nights! "and I thought I was excited hahah. "Austin calm down" i say as a touched his shoulders. "We have plenty of time to do all that stuff, because we will live together!" i loved it so mutch! I wanted to scream. And shout. But i didn't want to look like a creep. So i took a deep breath and tried to do normally. "And the most important ..." he began. i saw him smirking. "I'm going to judge your boyfriends!" he said with a wink. I started to blush. "Do not worry, i will not scare all the boys!" he laughed.

"You always wanted a little sister for sure?" I asked. "Always!" he responded.

The days were cozy. The business was completed and I lived just 2 days officially at the Moon 's. School had ended but i haven't seen Austin today. I watched tv. Until I heard the door open. I ran happily to the door. "Hey Austin!" I cried. "Hey Ally!" I saw Austin at the door. But he was not alone. He had someone with him. "Cassidy ..." I muttered.

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