Notice The Difference

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Chapter 9 Notice the difference

There were 2 days pass. 2 hard days without food. But i noticed the difference. I lost 2 pounds. And I was not as fat as i used to be. I wanted to loose 7 pounds. I was far from a perfect figure. Some people mentioned as a way of eating unhealthy. But if I was skinny, people would call me pretty, and not fat anymore, would Austin wouldn't think i was fat anymore ... I was dizzy. I had almost fainted for 3 times. . Austin noticed anything yet.


Austin's mother was busy with her work. I and Austin were all closer. The bullying stopped at school, mostly. I looked in the mirror. To my stomach. It was still ugly. You saw fat lobes sitting by my side. And my legs were also ugly. But I knew that I had to be careful that Austin did not see me. Suppose I was to fat. I could no longer live with the idea that Austin thought i was fat. I was lying in bed with a loose shirt on. Loose enough to not see my fat body. I woke up. The room was empty. Austin watched tv in the living room. I needed a clean shirt. I looked one more time around me or there really was no one. Unfortunately, the door is not locked. I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the ground. I looked around me. Looking for a shirt. I found a shirt in my drawer. Yes, Austin gave me a tray of his closet.

I had a yellow sweat-shirt in my hand. Suddenly Austin came in. I looked scared. I didn't know what to do. Austin had a shock on his face. He stared at my body. I felt uncomfortable. I protected my body with my hands. Now he saw that I was fat. Nice job Ally!. "I ... err ... sorry," I said. "What's the matter?" asked Austin delivered. "How do you mean Austin?" I asked anxiously. "You are ... you are ..." he stuttered. "What am I Austin? FAT do you mean? "I asked uncertain. "Ally, what did you say? Have you eaten something these days? " Austin snapped. "What? Yes, of course ... "I said with a trembling voice. "Do not lie to me Ally! You are awfully skinny! " "I'm not skinny Austin! I am very fat! I'm fat Austin! "I cried.

"Say that never again Ally" said Austin. He ran at me and gave me a hug. I sobbed into his shoulder. "Ally, You are beautiful the way you are. You are not fat. This is not healthy. Please eat. "he said begging. I looked at him. "Austin, i ... i can't" i said. "Why?" "Because ... because, people will only like me if I'm skinny, like Cassidy, Brooke, Kira, Tilly ... I want to be skinny Austin ... "I cried silently. He was quiet for a moment and sighed deeply. "Ally, look at me..." i looked up, and i saw his beautiful brown eyes, staring at me. "You ... are ... not ... fat ...Trust me... "I smiled a little. I couldn't say that I liked him. But it was a relief to know that he didn't think i was fat. Maybe I could eat a little more. For Austin.

I got dressed. Austin said he had to do something in the living room. When I came in the room 10 minutes later I saw a table. Covered, with pancakes, pickles, bread and egg. I looked my eyes out. I looked up to Austin who chuckled. "We gonna have lunch together" he asked. I came beside him at the table. Austin picked up a pancake and put it on my plate. I stared at it for a while. I didn't want to eat. Austin looked at me. When he cut a piece off of the pancake and prodded it on his fork. "Mouth open." said Austin. I laughed. What was he cute. He smiled sweet. I opened my mouth and he pushed the fork soft in my mouth. "Well done..." he said. As if he was talking against a child of 5. He cut a piece off. I opened my mouth, grinning and left me performed by Austin. "You see ..." he said. "Enjoy the food. And I know that you love Pickles. "he winked at me. He helped me with eating all morning. It was fun!

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