Chapter 1

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Once upon a demon filled life, two hunters rose to power. They went after demons, werewolves, vampires, etc. They called themselves Dean and Sam.Then, one day, after pie shopping, Sam found himself lost and afraid. He was killed right in front of Dean. Many days later, Dean sold his soul to bring his brother back. But there was a consequence of selling his soul, he had only one year to live and worst of all he couldn't even spend it with his best friend, Cas. Cas was killed a few months ago and Dean still misses him. Dean tried to bring him back but nothing he did would work.That fateful day came too soon. For Sam and Dean. Dean found himself being dragged to hell by a vicious, alternate universe version of his little brother. And Sam was forced to watch. Little did they know, there sat Castiel, in heaven. Watching, waiting for the right moment. Dean was two seconds away from hell when a bright light appeared. The light was so bright Dean and Sam shielded there eyes but the AU version of Sam was burnt alive by the light. Dean looked around only to see feet in front of his face. As he looked farther up, he saw a familiar trench coat and the face of his friend, Cas.Dean was startled and Sam burst into tears. Castiel shone beautiful with his grace showing through. Dean was on the verge of tears himself as he said, "Cas...Cas...I........I need you, and I miss you, and I know I should've said it before, but you're my best friend. I love you, and I should've been........ I ...... I shouldn't have let them take you away from me!" He said, now on his knees crying and whimpering. "It's ok. I'm here now and that is all that matters, right?" Cas said shakily. Cas hated seeing Dean in pain. Dean slowly nodded and answered "Yeah, that's all that matters.". Cas crouched down next to Dean and whispered, "I love you too, Dean.". Cas helped Dean up while Sam went to get bandages.Sam came back to see Dean and Cas in a tight embrace. He decided to stop at the doorway and listen, so he wouldn't intertupt anything. As Castiel rocked him and Dean, silently he said, "How could I be so stupid? What if I hadn't been there in time?" He choked on the last part, which caused another break of sobs into Dean's shoulder. Suddenly, Dean grew angry with himself. He was being selfish and petty. He let go of Cas. "Dean, what's wrong?" He could hear the concern in his voice rising. "Dean!"
"JUST STOP!" Dean yelled, Cas stood there shocked by the tone of Dean's voice. "I don't want you to feel like you have to protect me! I can protect myself!",Dean yelled. "Yeah because you were doing a great job at that." Cas yelled back. Sam couldn't stand eavesdropping even more and moved into the room. "Hey I got the bandages." Sam said while waving a box around. "Here let me do it." Cas offered. "No I got it." said Dean as he got up. Sam left to meet someone, all he said was it was important. Dean tried to wrap the bandages but when he was starting to wrap his leg he released a cry of pain. Cas raced over to him and helped him with the bandages. This time Dean didn't bother to push Cas away.Dean looked into Castiel's bright blue eyes. They held the softest touch of concern and heart. "Cas?" He looked up but didn't bother to say anything. So Dean continued. "Can I just tell you how sorry I am? I mean, I was being a total jerk and-" Castiel tried to stop him. "Dean-" "No, Cas, let me say this. I watched you die. And it's my fault." Cas, couldn't take anymore nonsense, so he looked away. "Cas, please look at me, and if you can't, at least listen. It's my fault that Metatron killed you and- Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Cas, how are you back?" The shock was easily replaced with fear. He backed away from him. "What the heck are you?" "I'm an angel." Dean chuckled, "Just because you fell from heaven, it doesn't make you a freaking angel!" "No, Dean, you don't understand. I'm an angel of the Lord. And that how I raised you from perdition." Dean laughed again, but that was the last time, because after that, he fainted.

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