Chapter 9

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"Cassie?" Dean asked. It was more of a question than anything. "No, dummy, it's Michael Jackson. No, seriously nerf herder , my name is Cay, and I'm the best flapper around. " She said. "Yeah, well, you're the only flapper around. It's 2010, you dimwit, get with the times!" Sam exclaimed. "Well, with that snarky attitude, people like you get knocked out by people like me." She said, and with that, Cay snapped her fingers and Cas, Spencer, and Eric dissappeared. With Kacee, Lori, Sam, and John laying on the floor, that made Dean the only person who was conscious was Dean. Or maybe the boys were dead. "What did you do to my family?" He demanded. "Relax. They are in a dream simulation experiencing their biggest fear coming true. The others? I teleported them to the mouth of a volcano. No, I'm kidding, they're at their own homes.Now, let's discuss my beautiful back story, shall we?I'm not Cay, but I am. You see, it's not my body. It's my doppelganger's. I was born in 1917.Died in the 50's. The body originally held the soul of a young lady, Cassandra, born in '62. Possessed her, she's dead, now, but it's fine. Now to Cassie.She was, you guessed it, another doppelganger. I'd been trapped in the cave by then, which is the only reason I didn't posses her." Cay said. "Wow," Dean said, "Ya seem pretty much caught up with the times to me." She smirked, "Yeah, guess so, heh?" Then she threw Dean into a wall with a flick of her wrist. He sat up and groaned.She howled a laugh. "I think you have something I want in your possession, Winchester. Or don't want. Either way, hand it over." Dean rubbed his head, confused and in pain. "The demon bade, stupid. You really didn't think this would be a normal stab-and-go,did you?" Cay kept talking as Kacee and Lori started to wake up. Kacee's eyes turned a blazing red. She was still weak, so she used her telekinesis to grab the blade and toss it too her sister,now standing. She didn't hesitate. She stabbed her in the back. It didn't work though. It weaken Cay but that was it. "You didn't think it was that easy did you?" Cay said with a smirk. She looked at Lori and then threw her against the wall. Cay pulled out the knife in her hand. It wasn't the demon blade it was a regular knife. While she was so interested in the fake she didn't notice when Dean slowly walked up to her. He stabbed her with the real blade. She screamed in pain but it wasn't done. It took 5 more stabs for Cay to be weaken enough for them to move her. They placed her back in the cave. Dean said a ritual to lock the cave back. He watched Cay's face as she realized what was happening. She looked so miserable, Dean almost stopped because she looked so much like Cassie. One time Dean had to leave Cassie to go on a hunt and she had that same expression. All he could think about was that he was trapping his ex-love look alike in a cave. The stone wall finally closed for good. They all got in the Impala and drove off. When they arrived at the motel, they saw Eric and Spencer waiting for them. Lori ran to hug Eric and Kacee did the same but to Spencer. After the hugging, everyone drifted off to sleep except for Dean. Instead he called for Cas to come down. When Cas arrived, Dean was sitting in one of the beds with Sam sleeping next to him. "Dean, why are you still awake? Nevertheless, I'm glad you're safe from that evil-" Cas stopped talking when Lori shifted. Dean raised an eyebrow. "I don't need them picking up on that language." Dean started to smile, but remembered tonight's previous events. "Cas, there's something I gotta tell you. Just....can you use your angel mojo to take us outside?" He asked. Cas was holding in his laughter. "My angel mojo?" Dean rolled his eyes as Cas put a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever," Dean started. "Just ta-" He stopped when they were now in the parking lot of the motel. "Well then. Okay, so, ya know how that lady was Cassie's doppelganger? Or Cassie was her's? It doesn't matter anyway. She's dead, and I killed her! Cas, it was like I had lost Cassie all over again. I'm just a little shaken. Where's the real Cassie? Why did she have to die?" Castiel had never been a fan of Cassie. She was nice and all, but Cas thought Dean deserved better. He knew his friend deserved the truth though. "Cassie's now in heaven. Probably reliving her favorite moments with you." Cas finished the last part so softly, it was almost unheard. Dean was angry and didn't know why. He needed someone to take it out on. Too bad Cas was the only person next to Dean. "Cassie's in heaven? Why didn't you say something?" He yelled. "I just did." Cas said, obviously confused. "No, Castiel, like, way before now!" Dean only used Cas's full name when he was upset. Cas didn't deserve this. Not more than 3 days ago, he saved Dean. He started to walk away, but Dean grabbed his shoulders and spun him around so that they were nose to nose. "I'm sorry for her death, Dean. But it's not healthy to keep in emotions. Dean closed his eyes and sighed. He was about to say something, but was interupted by the sound of a crash. They both turned to see Kacee on the floor surround by glass, where she'd been thrown from a window. Dean ran over to his sister. He helped her up, Cas grabbed their shoulders and they arrived back in the room.

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