Chapter 14

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They arrived at the hospital to find out that John has Bacterial Meningitis. Sam had to be tested for it as well since it is highly contagious. Bacterial meningitis is an extremely serious illness that requires immediate medical care. If not treated quickly, it can lead to death within hours or lead to permanent damage to the brain and other parts of the body. Dean took Kacee to get a MRI. There was no evidence of memory loss. They were waiting in the waiting room with the others. The doctor walked in and said "Good news and Bad news. Good news is Sam is fine and Bad news is your father is getting worse. I think it would be best if you said your goodbyes now." "But isn't he contagious?" Kacee asked. "He is in a plastic square so no germs can escape and you will be required to stay on the other side of the square but he can still hear you." The nurse replied. "Who's first?" It was shortly after everyone said their goodbyes, that John passed away. No one cried. Not really, except Lori. Because of her dad's sudden death, and because her sister didn't even know her. Castiel, Eric, and Spencer didn't really have much of a relationship with John. They sat in the waiting room in heavy silence, besides Lori's sniffles. After at least a half hour, Dean spoke. "He deserves a hunter's burial." "How are we going to get the body?" Sam questioned. "We take it. Help me sneak him out." Dean replied. Kacee, Lori, and Eric distracted the nurse as Spencer broke all cameras in their path. Castiel took the truck with Sam and John's body and drove him to the cabin before he left. "You're in no state to be driving." He stated. Dean drove home the kids and they all tried to get some sleep, but it was hard. "We share a room?" Kacee asked Lori. "Yeah," She said sadly. "Dad used to sleep in here too, right at the foot of the bed, waiting til we fell asleep." Silence followed as Lori got under the blankets, and Kacee pulled out an air mattress. She opened and closed her mouth a few times. "I'm sorry." She said after awhile. Lori sat up confused. "About what?" "The fact that I can't remember my own sister." She responded. Lori was surprised. "How do you know about that?" She asked. Kacee rolled onto the air mattress. "You know how you said John used to sleep in here? You called him Dad." She whispered. Lori was about to cry when Dean walked in. "Are you guys okay? At least for now?" He asked. Apparently, they'd answered "Yeah" a little to fast. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting on the dresser. "Nothing" they said. "You know." He said facing Kacee. "And you," he looked at Lori, "Told her!" For some reason, it upset Kacee that Dean was yelling at her 'supposed' sister. "It was an accident." Dean glanced at her, then Lori, then back to her. "Okay. Kace, if you don't want to be here, you can stay with me and Sam tonight." He offered. Kacee looked over to Lori's sad face. She didn't want her to be alone. "I think I'll stay." She said.

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