Chapter 15

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Kacee woke up and went to the living room where she saw everyone sitting listening to Cas. "So Karma is an actual person." Sam asked a little confused. "Yes and I believe she is after you all." Cas said with a worried look. "Well there isn't anything we can't handle." Dean said. Kacee sat down on the floor next to Spencer. "So we are fighting Karma?" Kacee asked "Yep." Dean replied. "Okay so how do we defeat her?" Kacee asked. "Well there is a weapon that can kill supernatural beings like Karma, but it has a unknown location." Cas stated. "What does it look like?" Lori asked, joining the conversation.
"Here, it looks like this." Cas said while pointing to a picture of a sword in a book. "I think I have seen that somewhere before." Lori said. "Well... where?" Dean said. "Hold on." said Lori as she took out her phone and looked up something. "Here we go. It is going to be at the Museum of the finest antique merchandise. It will be on display at 1:00 pm-10pm today." "So how do we steal a antique sword while it is on display?" Kacee asked. "I'll think of something ." Dean said.
(7 hours later at 1:45pm)
Lori walked into the museum, she was sent to distract everyone from the sword. Lori looked around for an idea and then she saw it. A fire alarm. She walked casually over to it and then when no one was looking she pulled the alarm. Everyone started freaking out and exiting the building. When everyone was out Kacee snuck in and was waiting for Spencer and Sam to shut down the cameras. "Ok everything is down." Sam said into Kacee's earpiece. Kacee headed towards the sword and Lori followed her when all of the sudden they heard clapping. "Congratulations You found it! I was wandering how long it would take for someone to locate it! I guess those lucky people happen to be the Winchesters. Oh and sorry about the brain thing." A girl with red hair said approaching them. "Karma!" Lori said ready to attack her for what she did to her sister. Kacee was ready to do the same. "What are you two gonna do about it? You don't even have the sword." Karma said giggling. "Funny how wrong people can be sometimes right Cas." Dean said twirling the sword around in his hand. "Yeah. Hilarious." Cas replied. "How did you..." Karma stuttered. "It's funny how Karma works.. But you should know about that." Dean said with a smirk. "How does my sister get her memory back?" Lori asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." Karma said. "Yeah she would and you are gonna tell her before you become a Karma shish kebab, got it?" Dean threatened. "Fine you have to ask nicely." Karma said. "I'm not kidding" Dean said moving closer. "Neither I'm I so go on." Karma said looking at Lori. "Fine will you please give my sister back her memories?" Lori asked. "On one condition..." Karma replied. "And what is it?" Lori asked. "Well a friend of mine named Fate wants your brother, Sam." Karma said. "Why does she want Sam?" Dean asked. " Because it is time he meets his fate for all the wrong he has done." Karma replied. "We all have done wrong though. So why only Sam?" Dean said. "John and Sam have done the worst. And now that John has seen his fate, it is time for Sam to see his too." Karma stated. "Fine we will give you Sam and you will give Kacee back her memories. Deal?" Dean asked. "Deal." Karma said. Dean called Sam to come down and explained to him what was gonna happen. "What? You traded me for her memories." Sam said to Dean. Dean pulled Sam into a hug and whispered, " I have a plan just go with it.". "Fine" Sam whispered back. They broke away from the hug and Sam went to stand by Karma. "Ok, Come here Kacee." She touched Kacee's head and a light surrounded her hand. Kacee tumbled to the ground. Lori ran to her sister to see if she was ok. "There she is all good now. She should wake up in a few minutes and I should be going..." Karma said but was interrupted by Dean saying "First rule of making Deals is don't make any with the Winchesters." and with that he stabbed her. She fell on the ground. "Well that was fun!" Dean said. Kacee was starting to wake up. "Kacee Kacee Kacee! Oh my gosh I was so worried I'm really sorry Are you okay?" Lori asked. "Dude, what? Learn to use commas! I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be okay?" She asked, standing up. "Do you remember me?" Lori asked, concerned. "You know, sometimes I wish I didn't, but sadly I do." Dean walked over to them with Sam following. "Kace, what's the last thing you remember?" He asked, fearful that he would have to tell his sister that their father was dead. Again. "Um....Cas wanted us dead, but those demons took me and let Lori go, then they stuck some needles in my head to read my mind. Why? Is Cas okay, I mean, after all, he is family." She responded, getting more nervous by the second. They only stared at her, then Cas appeared and knelt beside her, because he'd heard and seen everything."I'm fine, but there's something we have to tell you." He said shakily. Dean and Sam exchanged a look, then walked out of the museum doors. "What's going on? Somebody say something!" Kacee said, upset that there was something she didn't know about that everyone else did. At that moment, the brothers walked back in. They had decided that Dean would drive Lori, Kacee, and Sam, while Cas would take Eric and Spencer to research Fate and see if he was a threat. The four of them got in the car, and Dean turned down his music. "Look, Kacee, um......Karma made you forget Lori, and obviously, she just made you forget the past two days. Things...happened, and-" "Dean, just tell me!" Kacee whispered. "We're burying Dad today." Sam blurted. "What?" She asked as Lori started crying uncontrollably. Dean stopped the car and told Sam to drive so he could sit in the back and comfort Lori. He hated this. He could feel her pain. "He got sick, really sick. And he just, didn't make it across the table." He whispered to Kacee. She didn't cry, just sat there, but she knew she'd break when they buried him. They arrived at the cabin to see John's body on a little table, and Cas tossed Dean a match and lighter, even though he still had an arm around Lori's shoulder. He lit the match and tossed it on the material covering John. He started to cry softly and so did Lori. He pulled both his sisters into a hug and Sam joined, since he was crying too. After he'd been burned completely, Eric and Spencer burst into tears too. Cas disappeared to get something for the grieving family. Castiel showed up with pies. It was the only thing he could think of to cheer up the others. He walked into the living room where they were sitting and laid the pies on the table. Everyone started eating and soon all the pies were gone. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. They were watching a show called The Basic White Girls. After everything that's happened, this is probably one of the best moments they had this year.


Thank you for reading our book. We hope you liked it. Sorry if there were any mistakes. 😊✌

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