Chapter 2

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"Dean...Dean...Dean wake up." Cas said shaking him. He wouldn't wake up so Cas cradled Dean in his arms and lifted him up and took him to Dean's room. Cas gently laid him down and whispered, "Please wake up." Just as he was about to walk out of the room, he heard the door open and two sets of footsteps entered. He slowly creeped to the door and peeked out. He saw Sam looking around trying to see if anyone was here. Sam turn around to someone behind him, he said "I guess they aren't here." Then Cas watched as a girl with straight blonde hair followed him into the room. Just as he was going to find out who she was, he heard a faint voice from behind him. "Cas...." He turned around quickly. Maybe a little to fast. "Ugh, dang it!" He grunted out in response, but not too loudly, for Sam and blonde lady were still in the room.
"Cas!" Dean almost yelled, rushing over. "Shhh," Cas said, putting a finger on Dean's lips. "I'm fine, but you try sitting in Heaven for that long without a vessel. You don't exactly remember how to work your limbs! Sam's in there with some a--butt." Dean almost smiled at the memory of the funny swear word, then realized that it was said just moments before his brothers, Michael and Lucifer were thrown into a cage. And the fact that he was talking to an angel. "So before I pester you about you 'angelicness'," he said with air quotes. "What's up with Dagwood and Blondie?" Cas gave him a confused look. "I don't understand that reference." Dean sighed, and patted him on the shoulder, before bursting into tears, once more. Cas panicked. "Dean, I'm so sorry. Is it because of my lack of that knowledge?" "No, Cas" It really wasn't. He wasn't even sure himself what caused it. All he knew was that he never wanted to loose Cas again. Cas was he friend and he couldn't take it if he happened to die again. Dean thought about it, would Sam help him get through it? Oh wait Sam....where is Sam? Dean looked around the room confused, but remembered Cas said he was in a room with a chick. Dean couldn't help but think about how an actual person wanted to be in a room with Sam? "Cas what room did my brother go to?" Dean asked. "That one." said Cas while pointing to the door across the hall. "Well let's go see who was dumb enough to be in a room alone with my brother!" Dean said as he walked across the hall with Cas following.Dean grabbed the doorknob and opened the door only to see "Oh my........" Sam had blood around his mouth, mouth being on Blondie's wrist. But she didn't scream, she just sat there, as if to say, "Go ahead, I'm fine with it." "Ruby?" Dean exclaimed. "What are you-" Then he remembered that Ruby was a demon. With blood. But not just any blood. No, it was her blood. Which made it demon blood. Dean was furious as he looked to Cas. Not with him, not even with Ruby, but with Sam. He thought about what happened last time Sam was hyped up on demon blood. He shivered. He grabbed the demon blade......and then...... " Dean, NO!" A familiar voice called out.

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