Chapter 7

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Bang! Fake Kacee ran, while her twin gripped her shoulder, where she'd been hit.She cried out in pain as Lori, Spencer, and Eric rushed over. Lori, still crying, mentally kicked her self. She'd hurt her sister, not just physically, but emotionally. How could she not tell them apart? Kacee knew was gonna be furious. Everyone was angry with her, especially Dean. He yelled at her even though he knew Kacee could heal herself and be fine, because it was besides the point.Lori tried to help Kacee but she moved away still holding her shoulder. "I'm sorry....I panicked...Kace please...I didn't mean to!" Lori shouted. Everyone just glared at her, Dean snatched the diamond away from her and everyone walked away even Eric. Lori walked in the opposite direction of her family and tried to find a bus stop. She was walking and then all of the sudden someone grabbed her. She turned to see Eric. "What do you..." Lori couldn't finish her sentence because her mouth was covered by another hand and she soon realized that it wasn't Eric. It was the shapeshifter. Lori struggled against the strong hand that held her, but all she managed to do was bite off a piece of his skin. She tried not to cry, but she couldn't help it. Why couldn't she tell them apart? She'd grown attached to this girl's side for 15 years. The shifter had thrown Lori into a car with 3 other guys. He'd handcuffed her and tied her ankles together. About 20 minutes later, they arrived at a warehouse. Lori, tied to a chair in a dark room, didn't know where she was. The people had left and Lori could see her vision blurring. She literally thanked God she still had her phone in her purse, which she could easily access even with the cuffs.

On the other side of town in the motel room, Kacee sat in bed as Dean patched her up, mumbling rude things about Lori. Her phone started to ring, and she saw it was Lori. She declined and it rang again. Her and Dean exchanged a look, and she picked up. "Lori, what do you-" "Kacee, I need your help, the shifter kidnapped me, and I'm in a dark room, and it's cold, and Oh my gosh, is that a rat!?!? Lori said from the other end of the reciever. "Where are you?" Kacee asked, but all she heard was a not-so-friendly voice holler, "Hand over the phone, now!" She was on speaker the whole time, so Kacee and Dean traced the call. "Dean, this could be life or death. I need to teleport us." "You need to heal." "Dean," She said, giving him puppy dog eyes (which Sam taught her) "Please" "Fine, you are so stubborn." "I learned from the best!" she said, grabbing the silver knives.They arrived outside the building, which turned out to be an abandoned warehouse. Dean tried to find an entrance, Kacee couldn't come in because she was weak from teleporting. Dean found a door and opened it to see 3 people standing in a circle talking about what to do with the girl. Dean snuck up behind them and stabbed them with the demon blade. Four more came and Dean easily took them down. He walked into the next room quietly. Dean was headed to door when a girl behind him shouted, "What are you doing?". She had a gun pointed at Dean's head, her eyes flickered from green to black. As the girl approached him, ten more demons entered Dean had no other choice then to whisper "Cas I need you". Cas popped out of nowhere and when he saw the demons he walked up to the girl with the gun. She was still shocked from his arrival and didn't notice what he was doing till it was too late. He placed his hand on her head and drain the life out of her. She fell on the ground, Dean went up to another one and stabbed him. They continued this routine till everyone was dead. Dean walked to the door and opened it to see Lori. He had no idea where the shapeshifter was but was hoping he wouldn't find out. Dean walked over to Lori and undid the cuffs. He helped her up and they walked outside with Cas behind them. When they got to Kacee, Lori ran to her sister and gave her a hug. It took Kacee some time to return the hug but she finally did. Lori apologized for the 100th time and Kacee finally accepted it. Cas turn to Dean and said "I must be going now." Dean nodded and Cas was gone.

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