Chapter 12

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Then suddenly, Lori was at the cabin. She didn't have to call Cas, because Dean already had. "Dean!" She shouted and buried her face in his shoulder. He hugged her and whispered, "Thank God you're back, but where's Kacee?" She started crying again. "Dean they took her!" "What?" Dean asked. "She said they could use her as a weapon if they let me go." Lori said still crying. "I told you to start protecting her!" Dean yelled." "Dean.." Cas said. "What! Now you care! You didn't mind them taking them earlier!" Dean said. "What type of weapon is Kacee offering to be?" Cas asked. "They want to use her to fight against the Angels. To fight against you, Cas. They don't care about John or Sam all they care about is winning." Lori said. "Go get Eric and Spencer and meet me back here." Dean said. "Where are you going?" Lori asked. "We are gonna need weapons." Dean said. "Right." Lori said as she ran down the hall to the boy's room. "Cas, when we get back I want you to take us to them. Got it?" Dean said while walking away. "Got it." Cas said.Back at the warehouse were Kacee was, she wasn't being treated very nice. They'd taken her to the room where her father and brother were. She was strapped to a chair with a taser next to it. Everytime she refused to answer a qurstion, or they thought she was lying, they'd press a button and she would get electrocuted. It seemed like Sam was the being hurt by the way he was screaming. John showed no emotion, and neither did Kacee, because she knew the more she gave into pain, Cas would probably sense her and be able to find her, even if she didn't call him. "We're only gonna ask you one more time," the lead guy said. "Give us an angel's full name!" Kacee took in a sharp breath. "That's not really a question." She got tased again. She'd lost count how many times. One of the demons stuck seven needles in her head, and before she knew it, she was connected to a machine. "This will basically help us to read you mind. Like your sister does. Hope it's not to painful." The leader, which she had now named Jerkface, said sarcastically. He turned a handle on the machine. Kacee's eyes rolled back into her head. She was in so much pain, she started shaking against the metal chair.

Back at the cabin, things were so different. There was screaming, but from anger. "Why didn't you protect her like I told you to?" Dean asked while dumping the demon blades in a duffel bag. "What was I supposed to do? Say something along the lines of, 'Hey Kacee, stop teleporting me and stuff'? Yeah, cuz she would just LOVE listening to that!" Lori yelled. "Well, you should've done something." He mumbled. "I think coming here and telling you and Cas was the best that your stupid little sister could do." She said, remembering Dean's words from earlier today. "Cas let's go." She added, and suddenly, they were in the warehouse, out of sight of the demons. But she could still see Kacee. She was hurt. Bad. Lori felt the anger rising inside her, and so could Dean. Dean was standing up when Cas grabbed his arm sleeve. "What are you doing? I can't keep watching that. Let's go help her!" Dean hissed. "Do you trust me?" Cas asked, and Dean gave him a 'Seriously' look, and whispered, "No, no, not at the moment! I really don't!" But he crouched back down anyway. "Wait till I tell you to." Cas said, while Lori desperately watched them electrocute her sister. Over and over again. She couldn't take it anymore. She snatched a demon blade from the duffel and threw it as hard and straight as she could. It hit one of Jerkface's minions right in the head. He let out a horrifying screech and fell to the ground. The leader turned to see more of the demons being killed. Lori had thrown about 6 blades and hadn't missed one. Apparently she had great aim when she was mad. There were still about 12 more to go, but Cas was busy draining their lives and Dean was stabbing them with the last two blades they had left. One in each hand. That left Lori weaponless. The leader was heading right toward her. Without a knife, she was practically powerless. But she could do one thing. "Cassie! Help us. We need you here!" She shouted. A transparent Cassie suddenly appeared behind the leader. She stabbed him in the side of the neck. That was the last one. Cas was untying Sam and John, and Cassie walked over to Dean. She kissed him as if to say goodbye one last time, then disappeared. He wanted to cry, but he had a sister to save. "Kacee!" He ran over to her and pulled out each needle slowly. On the 5th needle, she passed from the pain. Dean picked her up and brought her to Cas. "Can you heal her?" He asked, holding back tears. Castiel sadly shook his head. "I'm to weak." He said. Dean took the limp body of his baby sister outside and started heading home, since Cas had teleported them, they had to walk the rest of the way. He was also to weak to zap them all back home, and Dean didn't have the car.

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