Chapter 11

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When he walked in the motel, he slammed the door. "Dean, what's wrong?" Lori asked. All he said was, "Pack your stuff and get Kace. We're leaving. Now!""Is something wrong" Kacee asked. "We are in danger." Lori said. "Well then we can just kick some demon butt like we always do and Cas can..." "No Castiel is not much help at the moment." Dean said angry at who he thought was his friend. "Why? Did he fake die again?" Kacee said. "No he is the one that is after us." Lori told her sister. "But he was just talking to Dean and he is perfectly fine." Kacee said. "Because he isn't after me. He is after you two. He said that they have Sam and John held captive and that if I want to save them I have to sacrifice the purest souls of the family. Since you two haven't killed as much people, that makes you the purest." Dean said. "How are they supposed to hurt me?" Kacee asked. "They have a special weapon." Dean said sadly. "We aren't going down without a fight." Lori said. "I know but we need to get going before they track us here." "Ok but by the way who is they?" Kacee asked. "They are a water spirit demon." "Those exist?" Lori said. "Yep." Dean replied. They packed up their stuff and the five of them got into the Impala and drove off. They arrived in Tennessee a few hours later. They were staying in a cabin at a campground. Dean was still mad when they got there. "Spencer, Eric, you two go research how to get Dad and Sammy back. You guys got the computer?" They nodded and quickly walked off. "What can we do?" Lori asked. "Nothing. Get in a room and lock the door. Push the bed against it along with some chairs. Close the windows and turn off the lights." He said. Kacee walked up. "Why can't we do anything productive?" She questioned. "Because I said you couldn't. Now move!" He growled. Kacee and Lori were both taken aback. "Why are you mad at us? We didn't do anything?" Lori said while helping Kacee unpack what little they had. "Exactly!" Dean snapped. "You're being stupid and doing nothing! Maybe I should have left you guys there." Kacee dropped the shirt she was holding, Lori started fighting tears, even Spencer and Eric looked up from the computer. Dean sighed and slid a hand down his face. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean any of that." Kacee tossed the shirt on the floor and grabbed her coat. "Yeah you did. Maybe if you feel like that I can call Cas to come get me now." She said, heading towards the door. "No, Kace, come back." Lori got up and followed, now full on crying, frantically wiping her eyes. "Lori, Kacee, I demand you to get back here!" Kacee turned around halfway. "That's the problem. You're not Dad. You don't control us." Kacee took off running down the hall and out the hotel. She got outside and kicked the wall. Lori walked out and could see her sister's eyes turning red. "Kace..." Lori said wiping her eyes. "What Lori?" Kacee said. "What are we doing?" Lori asked. "What do you mean?" Kacee said. "Are we going back up to the room? Are we going to run away? Are we turning ourselves in? Are we....KACEE LOOK OUT!" Lori screamed but Kacee didn't react in time. She was grabbed from behind. Lori tried to help but she was grabbed too. They tried to fight them off but couldn't get loose. Their arms and legs were tied with rope. They were shoved into a car, and it drove off.They were placed in two chairs, back to back. Hands tied together along with some rope around the knees. On top of that, they were surrounded by water spirit demons standing in a circle. "Kacee, what do we do?" Lori whispered. "Shut up!" One of them shouted. Kacee's eyes turned red then purple. She was worried for her sister. "We do what they tell us, so we can get Sam and Dad back." She said through clenched teeth. "We surrender ourselves to them?" Lori asked. "Wha-, no! No! We just, I don't know. Whatever you do, don't call Cas. Promise me." Kacee whispered back. Lori sighed, holding back tears. "I promise." A guy came out of the circle and whacked Kacee in the stomach with gun. "I said shut up." "Why do you want us here anyway?" She asked defiantly. "Hey! I said shut up. Twice." Kacee chuckled. "Well, now you can make that three times. Let my sister go." They guy sniffed and gave up. "Let us use you as our personal weapon for battle against the angels, and we might let her go." Lori closed her tear filled eyes and concentrated on his thoughts. They didn't even want Sam and John. They wanted her and Kacee as weapons. But he was telling the truth. He would let her go, but only to find her again and take her back, so-. She stopped reading his thoughts when she heard the word "Deal" come from Kacee's mouth. All this time, Kacee had been untying the rope on their hands and knees with her mind, so she could easily teleport Lori back. "No. Kacee stop, what are doing? You're coming too, right?" She said, but not too loud, since the guy was right there. "No, I made a promise. Like you promised not to call Cas. I'm teleporting you back, so you can tell Dean to get Sam and Dad. Stay safe." She whispered.

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