Chapter 5

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We arrived at another motel to see John standing there. "Hey Daddy!" Lori said running to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted since Lori was his favorite. "Father" Sam and Dean said at the same time. John walked over and pulled them into a hug. "Dad I have something to tell you." Kacee said. "Ok" was all John replied. "Spencer is a prophet." She blurted out. He sighed and said, " I know." "What? You know?" Kacee asked confused. "Yeah but enough about that we need to get down to business. There are many leviathans in town. They are searching for a diamond. It supposedly opens a cave that is holding the most furious demon yet. They plan to release it so it will be so grateful that it will spare them." John said. "They aren't gonna be spared are they?" Lori asked. "No they aren't but we need to make sure this doesn't happen by tomorrow at midnight" John finished.  "What the crap, Dad, Lori and Kacee, are to young to be dealing with this crap! They're 15 years old! What do you expect them to do? I refuse to stand here and let you raise them like you did me and Dean!" John stared for a moment, then slapped Sam and pushed him into a chair. "Then sit here instead. I know how to raise my kids without the help from you!" Kacee got angry and her eyes got red. Sam gave her one of those I'm-you're-big-brother-I'm-fine looks. Oh, please. "Hey," She started, "I'm his sister, don't do that!" "Yeah, well I'm his father." The nerve of that buttwhole. "Yeah, well not a very good one." He looked as if he wanted to slap her too. Kacee noticed that. "Slap me, and I'll throw you across the room. On the other hand, you'll learn how to fly." Dean broke it up, pulling their dad away from Kacee, more for his sake than her's. He knew his sister all too well. "Okay," he said, clearing his throat. "Let's talk about the case, huh?" For a couple of hours they researched, until the familiar, "Yo, I think I got something!" was called out from a donut filled mouth."What did you find, Kace?"asked Lori. "Well the diamond was given to a member of the AL state council to keep it hidden from others. It doesn't say which one though." Kacee said disappointed. "The members were William Simons, Albert Sakes, Charles Thomas, and Nathaniel Bush. Three of them died a week later by an animal attack. The only one that escaped was Charles.  He lived to the age of 84 before he was killed in a animal attack too." Lori said. "So something was after the diamond and knew it was given to one of the council members. So it went to each one and if they didn't have it, it would kill them. But when he went to check Charles, he was gone." Dean said. "Yeah and it says he supposedly passed it down to his oldest child and told him to run." Kacee added. "So all we need to do is find who the oldest child is." Lori said. "Yeah and then find out what he did with it and continue from there."Kacee stated. "We need some sleep first. We can go in the morning." Sam said.

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