Chapter 13

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On the way back to the cabin, it was awkward. No one was talking to anyone. Finally Dean spoke up just as we reached the cabin, " Cas can I speak to you alone after I put Kacee in her room". "Sure." Was all he said as they walked through the door. Dean put Kacee in her room and said goodnight to Lori. He walked outside with Cas and said "I'm sorry I threaten you, Cas." "It fine you were just protecting your family and I had no right to put you in that position. So I should be the one apologizing." Cas said. "It's fine, Cas. I forgive you since you were only doing your job." Dean said thoughtfully. Cas looked at the ground and then back up and said "Yeah my job to them not my job to you. I'm suppose to be your friend and I let them turn me into a worker instead of that." "Cas look......Cassie is in the past. I have to get that in my mind because there is someone I love a lot more than her in the present." Dean said looking at Cas. Dean walked up to Cas. Dean pulled Cas into a hug. While inside the cabin, Lori sat in a chair beside her sister's bed waiting for her to wake up so she could yell at her for being stupid but also hug her because she is her sister. Kacee move a little and sat up. "Kace..." Lori said. "Do I know you?" Kacee said confused. "Kace this isn't funny. Of course you know me I'm your sister." "I don't have any sisters just two brothers well besides Adam." Kacee said. "Your not joking are you?" Lori asked. "Nope, but can you leave cause you know stranger danger." Kacee said while lying back down and going back to sleep. "Sure." Lori said as she ran outside to see Dean and Cas hugging. Lori cleared her throat and the two of them jumped apart. "We have a problem." Lori stated. "Well we were kinda having a very important conversation." "Oh I could see that." Lori said giggling. Dean sighed and said "What's the problem?". Lori stopped laughing and told them about Kacee. "So Kacee remembers everyone except you." Dean said. "Yes." Lori said starting to cry, this was Karma wasn't it. "Guys there something wrong with Dad." Sam said joining us outside. "Great I will add that to the list." Dean said. "What's going on now?" Sam asked. "Kacee doesn't remember Lori anymore. But what's wrong with Dad." Dean said. "He is sick. It's bad. He is can't balance himself, he can't concentrate, and he keeps getting headaches. I think he needs to go to the hospital." Sam said. "Yeah and Kacee can get her head scanned to see what cause her to lose her memory." Lori said. "Yeah like she would let us do that." Dean said. "Well just tell her you are trying to see if there is any serious damage from being electrocuted over and over again." Lori said. They all went inside to see Kacee slowly making her way down the hall while grunting every now and then because of the pain. "Wow there Kace I don't think that's a good idea." Dean said trying to help her but she just keep going. She finally made it to the couch and carefully sat down. They sat down next to her. "Why are you still here?" Kacee asked Lori. "Kace.." Lori said. "Stop calling me that! For all I know you are a demon or something!" Kacee yelled . Lori got up and walked away. "Kacee." Dean mumbled knowing her comment hurt his sister. "What. Do you know who she is?" Kacee said. "She is a family friend." Sam said. "Ohh really what is her name?" Kacee asked. Dean looked at Sam for help but he only shrugged. "It's Lorraine......... Hunter. But she goes by Lori."Dean said "Never heard anyone talk about her. So she must not be a very good friend." Kacee replied. "That is because she is Eric's new girlfriend. She is also a hunter though." Sam said. "Ohh" Kacee said. "There is something else we have to tell you." Sam said. "Dad is sick and he needs to go to the hospital and while we are there we need you to be looked at as well." Sam continued. "No I don't do Doctors." Kacee said. "They can help you heal faster." "I said no!" Kacee said while getting up and wobbling away. Cas sighed and Dean yelled "Kaceeanna Danielle Winchester! You are going to the hospital now and that is final!" "I thought I told you already you aren't my father." Kacee said. "No but your father is sick and that puts me in charge and that means you are going to the hospital. Got it?" Dean said. "Got it." Kacee said as she headed to the Impala. "Sam you drive the truck and take John and I will take the rest in the Impala." Dean said. "K" mumbled Sam as he went to get John. "Cas." Dean said turning around to look at him. "I'll meet you there. I have to do some research on something first." Cas said while disappearing.

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