Chapter 10

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It was bad. Eric's head was bleeding, Spencer's arm had little pieces of glass from the window, John was passed out, Sam was missing, and Lori was limping. They were fighting Cay. "How is she here? Didn't we lock her in a cave?" Dean questioned. "This isn't Cassandra's body, this is my new doppelgänger Catherine." said Cay. "I thought you said you couldn't posses anyone while in the cave." Dean said confused. "Well, while I wasn't in the cave I said the ritual to move my spirt to my new doppelgänger." Cay said. "So I locked up Cassandra instead of you" Dean said "Yes you did, so now all you got to do is give me the blade." Cay said with a smile. "Fine" was all Dean said as he started walking over to her. "Dean don't." Kacee said. " It's ok Kace." Dean said back. Dean reached out the knife so Cay could take it. As soon as she tried to grab it, Dean said "On second thought." He stabbed her in the chest and was shocked that with one try she fell over dead. Dean removed her body while Lori was helping Kacee with the glass after she wrapped her ankle which turn out to be sprained. Spencer wrapped his arm after removing the glass and Eric was bandaging his head. When Dean came back he asked "Where is Sam?". "He snuck out a few seconds after you did." Kacee said. "Do you know where he went?" Dean said. "I do but you're not gonna like it." Lori said. "Ruby?" Dean asked. Lori slowly nodded. Dean sighed, He had been through so much today and his brother was probably somewhere high on demon blood with blondie. "Dean?" Cas said. "What Cas?" Dean replied. "Can I talk to you outside?" Cas said. "Sure." Dean said. Cas grabbed his shoulder and they arrived in the parking lot again. "I've got coordinates on Sam, but we have to move quickly. Sam's in danger and we need to find a different motel, before they find the shattered glass and Catherine's body. But we also need to get Spencer and Eric to hospitals." Cas stated. "Eric's immortal. And Spencer's a prophet. I'm sure God will spare him." Dean said. Cas looked frustrated, as if he were explaining something to a child. "I know Dean, but we need to get them away from the girls." "Why? All they do is help." Dean asked, confused and tired. Cas sighed and turned so he wouldn't have to face Dean. "Cas, talk to me man, what's wrong?" It seemed like hours before Cas took a deep breath and finally said, "Have you seen your father?" "No, but what does that have to do with my little sisters?" Dean was, like, 100% done dancing around the situation. "In order to save Sam and your father, we have to sacrifice them." Dean laughed, but there was no humor in it. "Come on, Cas." He said, slightly annoyed by the joke. "That's not funny." "Dean, look into my eyes and tell me I'm lying." And that's when Dean knew he was telling the truth. "No, no. NO Cas! There's got to be another way. Sacrifice me instead!" Dean almost yelled. "I wish there was Dean, but we can't. We have to offer the purest souls, and you've killed more than them. I love them as much as you do, but we don't have a choice." Dean kicked someone's car. Luckily, the alarm didn't go off. "Yeah? Who's even asking us to do this?" Dean asked. "Water spirit demons have taken your father and brother. Your father because he is a danger to citizens and Sam because of the demon blood. All they ask is to take your sisters." Cas responded without much emotion. "What the heck, Cas? All they ask is for me to kill my sisters? You act like it's a simple request! And a water demon? Is that even a thing? What do you plan on doing? Kacee would just heal herself right up!" "I have the weapon-" "No the freak you don't! Touch them and I'll kill you." He said.

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