Chapter 16: Jamaica, Here We Come

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Sorry for taking so long with this chapter. Enjoy!!! ❤

*Shanice POV*

After leaving Omelly's place I made my way home. There were a lot of things that needed to be done including telling my parents about taking Malia with us. I knew they wouldn't have a problem with it knowing Omelly's situation with his ex so I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be. Being with Omelly and Malia made me feel a lot better than I did before. Chino really knew how to mess with my mood but after spending today with Melly and Malia I felt a lot better.

Me: "Mom"

(I yelled as I searched for her.)

Nicki: "I'm in the bedroom Shanice stop yelling"

(She answered as I made my way upstairs to the bedroom. I was surprised to find her packing since she'd always pack last minute.)

Me: "I never thought I'd find you packing a week early"

Nicki: "Cause I got last minute fittings and rehearsals before we go"

Me: "Oh okay I get it. I can't wait to leave. A vacation with you guys and Omelly and Malia is all I ask for"

Nicki: "Malia? When did you guys decide to take Malia?"

Me: "It was a last minute decision, I knew how much it'd mean to him to have her there and I thought it'd be nice"

(I said as I realized I basically snitched on myself. That was never the way I wanted to tell her but I guess it's too late now.)

Nicki: "So you're doing this for Omelly. That's nice"

Me: "I think so plus it wouldn't hurt to be around her. You know how I feel about her"

Nicki: "It's something about her that always makes you smile, its crazy"

Me: "I know. It took some hard convincing to get Omelly on board but I knew he wouldn't say no to that"

Nicki: "To that or to you Shanice? Which one?"

(She asked as I found myself blushing like a school girl.)

Me: "Definitely to me"

Nicki: "I knew it but I find that to be so cute"

Me: "Same I just feel so comfortable when I'm around him. It's weird"

Nicki: "It's really not but you didn't tell me how lunch went to Chino"

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