Chapter 18:A Night To Remember

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Enjoy ❤️

~ Later That Night ~

*Nicki POV*

It was almost time for dinner and since Shanice and Omelly was sleeping I decided not to go to their room to wake them up. Instead I sent Shanice a quick text letting her know that it was almost time to go down for dinner. Jamaica was a place that had a lot of memories for my family, it was where Meek & I got married and conceived Shanice and it was always a vaction spot for our family. Of course Meek wanted to go wake them since he was curious to know what they were doing upstairs but after a lot of convincing he decided to drop it.

"We should have went upstairs Nic"

(He mumbled as I continued to ignore him. He wanted to treat Shanice like a child and we've been doing that all her life and I wasn't tryna do that shit anymore.)

Me: "What if we saw some shit we didn't need to see?"

Meek: "Good point I ain't tryna see my daughter doing no nasty shit."

Me: "When did sex become nasty?"

Meek: "It's nasty for Shanice but not for us."

(He smirked trying to pull me towards him. He thought he was slick but I had something for his ass.)

Me: "Good answer but we got a dinner to get to so don't try nothing funny Rihmeek."

Meek: "You always turning down a nigga. I haven't gotten none since we've been here."

Me: "It's only been a few hours since we've been here so stop being so dramatic."

(I laughed as I continued getting dressed. I still didn't know what I wanted to wear tonight. Shanice would usually help me pick out an outfit but I knew she wasn't tryna be around us right now, not when Omelly is here.)

Meek: "You still haven't picked out a dress yet Nic it's just dinner. You don't need nothing too fancy."

Me: "I know but I usually get Shanice's opinion on my outfits. I just love having a second opinion."

Meek: "I know and that's why I'm here"

Me: "No offense Meek but you think everything looks dope. I don't know if I want advice from you"

Meek: "How you gon offend me and then say no offense?"

(He laughed as I thought about testing his fashion sense.)

Me: "Cause I can but since you're here I guess I could use your opinion on these four outfits."

Meek: "Okay Ma lay it on me."

Me: "Okay so these are the four that I think would look amazing for tonight."


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