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"Mom" Julian said walking in my room. "What kid" j said sitting up."Mason got into the movies "he said mad. " did you pick them up"I asked. "Yes " he said frustrated. "Bring me my purse " I said smiling. He went and handed it to me and I got my wallet. I got out 20$ and handed it to him. "Where going to the field tomorrow you can get something for helping me " I said and he smiled and started to walk out. "Ju come here though" I said. "Yeah" he said and sat on my bed "thank you for helping with mason and Liz alot. Oh and for staying strong. You are like your uncle and I'm proud of it. " I said and kissed his forehead. "Love you mom" he said and I smiled. "Love you now to get the baby " I said and got up. Everything has been crazy around here. Julian is finally 7 and still like his uncle Zach Elisabeth is 5 now and let me tell you she is just like her mama attitude from hell. And Mason is like his daddy shy and sweet and he's a mamas boy. Me and Julian are the same married he's in baseball still for the redsocks still and I'm a stay at home mom now they want me to still direct but I have 3 kids and my life's crazy enough. I walked down stairs and Mason was playing with his toys. "Hey baby boy " I said and picked him up and he started to smile. I grabbed Mason and brought him upstairs to his room. "Liz " I called and she didn't answer "Elizabeth faith Gonzalez" I called and Julian walked out. "She's a sleep mom" he said laughing. "Oh can you pick up her doll I will give you 5$ for one doll " I said smiling. "Yeah " he said and took it to her room. I walked in the Mason  room and I looked at him he was falling a sleep. I grabbed him a bottle and layer him down and he fell asleep. I looked at the time and it was 8 Julian should be home soon. I walked to the kitchen and started to eat ice cream that will still be my obsession. I sat down and grabbed my computer and went threw my videos I saw one if me and Hayes a clicked it. I started to watch it and we were making pancakes. Man we were young. Man I miss this. I'm 24 with 3 kids omg. "Baby girl " Hayes said and I smiled. He kissed me n put mix in me and it turned into a war. I heard the door and closed the laptop. I felt and tear and o whipped it and Julian looked at me wired. "You okay " he asked. "No" I said. "What's wrong " he said and sat by me. "I'm out of ice cream" I said and he laughed. "I will go get you some. " he said getting up. "No I will you just got and I haven't been out today kiss " I said and kissed him. "Don't wake Mason and your baby girls a sleep and ju is playing his game " I said and grabbed my keys and walked out. I went to my car and began to cry hard. After a few mins I stopped and drove the car. I grabbed my phone and went to Hayes contact.

H (Hayes) A(Avail)
A: Hayes
H:you okay
A:no meet me at the park by the ice cream shop
H:okay be there in a few.
A:okay bye
Call ended.

I have no clue what's wrong with me I never get like this. I got to the park and Hayes was on a bench. "Hayes" I said and hugged him from behind. "Hey what's wrong " he said and hugged me. "Hayes do you ever think about how we were " I asked. "You know I do what's wrong " he said confused. "I fill like I'm losing my self all I do is take care of the kids while Julians out with the guys and having fun or going away for work. I don't even direct anti and that was my favorite thing that's what I love. I just don't have time for my self anymore I haven't been shopping for my self in 5 months 5 Hayes" i said and cried. "Why don't you talk to him about it" he said. "I don't want him to hate me Hayes we aren't the same anymore we have been together for 6 years going on 7 and there's no sex no dates no nothing just a kiss Hayes a kiss" I said getting frustrated. "Dam when was the last " he said laughing. "I don't know about 5 months. " I said. "Umm yeah just talk to him maybe you should have a girl day with Maddie and Everly and Emily" he said. "And Hayes " I said with a smile "yes and with Hayes " he said and I hugged him and thanked him. "Do you miss us " I said once again. "Avail I do I told you this already what were you looking at before you came " he asked. "Are videos " I said. "Oh you still have those" he asked. "Well duh they not going anywhere " I said laughing and just then my phone was buzzing.

Call Husband
J (Julian ) A(Avail)
J: where you at
A:the ice cream place
J: hurry the baby is crying and I don't what come home
A: really Julian we had two others kids and you were perfectly fine with them
J:no one even said for us to have another kid or kids
A: Really so now your regretting are kids witch I recall your the one who wanted me to get pregnant
J:I'm leaving I have yo go to Chicago at 2am and I need to get my stuff come home
A:get all your shit Julian
Call ended

"I need to go home Hayes text you " I said and walked away."you don't want me to come "he said. " no I need to Handel this on my own." And with that I got in mg car and rushed home.


I'm back ah okay so I'm going to try to update everyday as much as I can because I have nothing to do except I'm going to be going to Dallas for a while. But I hope you enjoy the new book well sequel as much as I do I love you guys and thank you for everything

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