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The doctor walked in and Liz got down and me and Julian sat up. "What's the last thing you remember "he asked Julian and he looked at me. " babe just put aside all that happen and tell him "I said and he nodded his head. " me and my wife have been fighting and I went home and layed down for a while and I started breathing really hard and called my friend Alyssa and she said to just go get a beer so I went and had a few drinks knowing I had to much I didn't know what I was doing so I was driving to the vacation house. "Why didn't you call me " I said getting sad. "I knew you would be mad" he said looking down. "Babe if you would of talked to me and told me I wouldn't of been. " I said and Julians mom walked in here we go. A few years back when I got pregnant with Julian his mom wanted to kill me she hates me so much she's met Liz and Mason but she has this theory that I was going to cheat in Julian look who did not me. I smiled at her and looked at Julian. "I'm going to let you to catch up " I said and walked out and saw Hayes. I ran and hugged him and he hugged back. "Hayes I feel bad " I said starting to cry. "Why" he asked and I looked up. "He was drinking and driving and he didn't want to call me because he knew I was mad if I would've  put everything aside we wouldn't be here " I said crying really hard. "Avail you have no right to blame this in you he got a girl pregnant" he said and some girl was asking the doctor for Julian. "May I help you " I asked and she looked at me scared I looked down and she a little bump. She started to talk and I cut he off. "He's over here " I said and she smiled a bit. I walked her to Julian's room and he looked nervous. "Thank god your alright " she said and kissed his cheek. "No no no why are you kissing my sons cheek" Julians mom said. "Debbie because that's Julian's soon to be child and baby mama your theory if need cheating was wrong" I said and Julian gave me a look. The girl put he arm on Julian and I gave her a look. "Your so fucken lucky your ass is pregnant" I yelled and Hayes came in. "Avail stop " Julian yelled and I gave him a look. "I stop Julian her bump looks big unless that bitch is fat how long " I yelled and the doctor came in. "Mrs. Gonzalez calm down. " he said taking my hand. "Julian tell me" I yelled and he looked at me as his anger was getting the best if him. "We have been sleeping around for 1 year and 3 weeks okay avail and she 5 months " he yelled and my stomach started to hurt. "Julian Lee Gonzalez why would you cheat on this girl with some tramp do you realize you have a family" his mom yelled. "Aye old bitch I'm right here and he cheated on that fucker right there she never gave him attention she was always with those little monsters. " she yelled and I started going up to her and Hayes held me back. "Avail she not worth it. " Hayes said in my ear and I nodded my head. "Well guess what little bitch I'm never fucken going anywhere and I hope you and Julian have a good life but remember while your giving him kisses and everything he's going to be thinking about me when y'all have your fucken kid he's thinking about ours when y'all are together he's going to be thinking about me " I said and Julian slightly nodded. "And remebr your never going to have a ring because when he was married it was the best dam years of his and my life besides everything we went to and if you have a girl Elizabeth will be his baby girl so think twice before you speak. " I said and she was taken back a minute. I went to Julian and kissed his lips and he kissed back and I let a bit of tears back. "Just so you remember what your missing " I said and he started to cry. "Mrs Gonzalez we need you for paper work. " the doctor said and I stopped. "What do I sign " I asked and he handed me the paper I started to read and he was having panic attacks and depression and they were giving him medication I continue to read and started to get nervous and sweating. "Avail are you okay " Zach asked and I ignored him and finished reading. I read the words that if this happen again he could be in a coma or worst because if the trauma to his brain. I started shake and the doctor motion a nears. I soon as she stepped up and Julian was now out side I feel to the ground with everything getting dark.

Hayes POV

All of the doctors started surrounding an area and I looked and it was avail she was out cold. I looked and they rushed her into and room and Zach was running to her and Liz was to I went and picked Liz up and she hugged me tight. "Is mommy going to be okay " she said into my chess. "Yes baby girl " I said and Julian gave me a look and came and grabbed Liz. "I want to go with Hayes you hurt mommy and me and my brothers" she said and tried getting out of his grip. "Baby girl you know I didn't mean to " he said and she started to cry. "Give me to uncle Hayes " she said and I grabbed her from him. "Give me my daughter" Julian yelled and Nash and Cameron came up to us. "She doesn't want you she said it her self. " I yelled back and Cameron grabbed Liz. "I want to be with uncle Hayes " she yelled and Cameron gave her back and she layed in my chest. "Baby girl you okay " I said and Julian snatched her put of my hands dropping her. "Wtf is wrong with you " me Nash and Cameron yelled. "I didn't mean to "he said picking her up and Zach walked our way. " give me her "I yelled and he finally gave up. " Liz was holding her arm and I looked. "Let's ask a nurse to look at it " I said and she smiled. "The nurse already knew and sat her down and moved it a bit. " she going to he fine just a little bruise but here's an ice pack. "Thank you " I said and walked back to everyone and avail and Zach's mom walked in. "What's wrong with Liz and Julian and where's avail " she asked and I explained everything and that girl walked our and she wanted to explode. "Um avail Gonzalez " the doctor said walking to us. "She going to be fine but let me ask was this the first time she's done this " he  asked and I shook my head. "Yes yesterday when her a Julian were arguing she felt to the ground when he mention devoirs paper" I said and he nodded his head. "Well avail had panic attached just like Julian does and I believe its because there to stressed and every time there away from each other it might get worst " he said and we started to walk to avails room. "So I'm going to give her medication for it and its up to them if they want to he apart but I don't believe it helps " he said and avail gave me a confused look and I sat by her and she had an iv in her."mommy"Liz said and I handed her to avail. "Why do you have this " she asked and Liz got nervous. "I was holding her and I called her baby girl and jilain got mad and we started fighting and he grabbed her and she didn't want to be with his so I grabbed her back and the. We continue to argue and he grabbed her ugly and she fell." I said and avail was getting mad. "We need to talk " the doctor said and she got quite.

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