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Julian POV
"I want to be a football player" ju said and I gave him a confused look. "Like Hayes I want to be a football player " he said and I was getting heated. "Well your not going to play football so get over it " I said and bit rude and he gave me a look. "Mom said I can play and Hayes is already teaching me so to bad " he said and walked upstairs. "Where you going " I yelled and he turned and looked at me. "To my room as you can tell since I'm stuck here because you told mom we were in Chicago when were not because your a lair as usual you lied to mom and cheated with that Girl and that's why were here dad because of you and you know what I hate you I really do because all you ever cared about was your self all the time you know how hard it is to be at school and people he like hey Julian is your dad going to your game and what would I say no because you never did at all you never cared about us so why did you and mom have kids it feels like she's the only one who cares because your always gone and that's why mom is with uncle Hayes and you know what I'm glad because maybe he will be a better dad to me Liz and mason then you because you don't care I will tell you that until I die because you don't care " Julian yelled and I stayed quiet. "Go to your room now " I said and he just gave me a look. "Gladly " he yelled and walked away. He's just like his mom. I sat there and looked at the pictures on the wall. Man I really let everything get this far my Son hates me and so does my wife and I cheated. "Daddy" mason said by my legs . "Come here " I said and sat him on my lap. "I miss mommy " he said and I sigh. "Elizabeth and Julian come down stairs now please " I yelled and they came down and Julian didn't even look at me. "Go pack I'm taking y'all to your moms and Julian call her off your phone Here" I said and he took his phone and ran upstairs. "She's going to kill me " I said to mason and he laughed. I walked upstairs and started to pack the baby's stuff.

Avail POV

Me and Hayes were on our way to the air port and my phone went off. I looked and it was ju.

Baby boy
J (ju) A (Avail)
A:baby mommy's coming to get y'all from Chicago
J:mom no where not even in Chicago were at home but he's taking us right Now to Texas mom and I told him I hated him mom and I don't I was mad.
A:wait Julian slow down
J:dads taking us to you right Now and I told him I hated him because he doesn't care about us mom and he hurt you mom bad and I hate it and he told me I couldn't play football like Hayes and I told him oh well because I am
A:Julian I know your mad because trust me I am to but don't talk to your father like that and he does care about y'all he really does its just that he doesn't make the right choice and trust me I know he hurt me but I'm happy now and you know why? Because I'm with Hayes and I have my kids and that's all I need is y'all. I'm going to meet y'all at the airport and probably punch you father in the dick but its okay baby boy everything's going to be fine. I promise Julian it will be fine
J:okay mom I'm going to pack talk to you in a bit I love you
A:I love you more baby boy Now no more attitude leave that to me okay
J: okay mom
A:bye and Hayes said y'all be safe
J: we will thank you
Call ended.

I looked at hates and laughed. "He's like you " Hayes said laughing and I nodded my head. "Babe let's go back to my moms " I said and he looked at me and smiled. "Okay princess" he said and I smiled. "You make me feel 15 again its weird " I said laughing and he shook his head. We got back to my moms and Everly looked at me confused. "They were in California the whole time Julian lied and he's bring them and ju finally exploded on him and told him he hated him because he feels like his dad doesn't care but I know he does as much shit Julian has done I know he loved those kids just as much as I do and i just hate that there hurting it makes me so mad because Julian promise he would never hurt the kids and he did and that's when I draw the line he can't hurt me all he wants but he won't hurt my kids " I said and Everly and Hayes were quite. "That's a lot " Zach said sitting by me. "It just pisses me off because he made Julian get to that point and I know Julian doesn't hate his dad he might of told him but it was out of anger and I'm just so stressed everything moving so fast I don't know what to do I'm so lost " I said now crying harder in Zach's arms. "Well then maybe you should just slow down stop jumping into things " Everly said and Hayes nodded his head. "Hey maybe we should wait until everything done with Julian" Hayes said and I looked at him for a bit and hugged him. "Yeah maybe your right. " I said and he gave me a small smile. "Hey why don't we all buy season passes to six flags so we can go tomorrow and have some fun get a break from everything " I said and Timmy started to smile big. "Can I ride shit " Emily asked. "Wait I don't think you can but it will be fun come on " Everly said and I stood up and nodded my head. "For real we can get some drinks well for you a water or soda ride some rides have fun no drama let the kids have fun " I said and everyone was laughing. "I can't I have to fly back to California today I have a meeting with the coaches " Hayes said and I smiled. "Your meeting them finally" I yelled and hugged him. "Omg I'm so happy fuck six flags this is Important you need to go omg " I yelled and he smiled. "Yeah I have a flight in an hour " he said and I frown a bit. "That soon its okay though because your ass is going to okay again I don't care I've been waiting for this " I said laughing and he was smiling. My phone went off and it was Julian. "I'm going to take this and yell at him so I will he back " I said and walked out side.

J (Julian) A (Avail)
A:I'm going to kill you
J: hey I'm sorry I was being petty because you were with Hayes avail that's all it was but where on our way
A: Julian its okay just don't do that again it scared the crap out of me I was already about to be on a flight to go get them
J: omg for real
A: yeah I went in to mama bear mode
J:omg you just if looked hot
A:to soon
A:y'all just hurry because were all going to six flags tomorrow
J:omg your ridding ride with me
A: stop saying omg and maybe
J:hah okay were boarding so I will talk to you later I love you
A:I love you to be safe
J: we will bye wife
A: bye dumb ass husband
Call ended.

As much as I hate him at this moment all I want is for him to told me.

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