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I got home and saw all of Julian's bags in the living room and he was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. " Babe don't go"I said crying. "You want me to " he said and I sat in front of him. "I don't want you to " I said crying. "Then why did you say that " he said and looked at my computer. "Do you still want him avail " he said and I gave him a confused looked. "Don't act dumb avail do you want to be with Hayes again " he said once more. "Julian of course not " I said. "Am I not making you happy anymore. " he asked. "Julian nothing's the same anymore your gone all the time you go out I stay home for Christ sake we haven't had sex in 5 months. Your not close to Mason  like ju and Liz. Your not close to me anymore I'm to busy tacking care of the kids that I lost my self. " I said looking down nervous. "I'm sorry " he said and hugged me. I smiled as we hugged because this is all I want attention from my husband I want to live happily with him. "Tomorrow were going to BBQ at the park I'm not going to fly out tomorrow I'm going to take off of work for a whole week and were going to have a date babe I'm going to make it up to you and the kids. " he said. "Okay babe " I said hugging him again. "Now get your ass to the room we have some stuff to take care of " he said as we stood up and he snaked my ass. I've been waiting for this to long.

Next morning
I woke up in Julian's arms snuggled up. I felt someone move by me and it was Julian and Liz and the baby's crib was in are room. "Morning mommy " Liz said. "Good morning baby and your daddy's still asleep " I said quietly. "Nope I'm up. " he said and kissed my forehead. "What about I make pancakes " I said and Liz and Julian smiled. "Okay meet us down stairs and me and mommy will cook we have a big day" Julian said and they ran down stairs. I layed there and looked at Julian "I love you I'm lucky I feel in love with your ass " I said and kissed him. "I know and I love you more " he said. "Last night was ..." I said and the baby started to cry. "I got him. " I said getting up and Julian stopped me. "I got him " he said and picked him up and layed him down with. "Hey baby boy " I said playing with him and heard the kids fighting. "Let's go get the others ones " I said and picked him up me and Julian walked down stairs and they stopped. "What's going on " Julian said. "Um we were talking " Liz said. "Ju what happened" I said. "We were fighting about where everyone sits. " he said and they looked down. "Okay what about this mommy right here daddy next to me Liz across daddy and ju you sit across from me and your baby brother goes right here " I said and they smiled and agreed. "Okay babe blueberry or banana " Julian called from the kitchen "what do you think" I said laughing. "Banana" he said and put it on the counter. "And I will start the eggs" I said and put the baby in his high chair. "So what are we doing today" Liz asked. "Oh yeah I have to tell everyone still. " I said. "Were going to the park with all your aunt and uncles "Julian said flipping a pancake. " will uncle Hayes be there "Liz asked and Julian paused. " no"Julian said "yes" I said and the same time and we looked at each other. "Why not dad" Julian asked. "Nvm I thought he wasn't " he said and at this point Julian was pissed. "Hey what about y'all go clean up for breakfast and the park " I said and they ran up stairs. "Why" I asked. "Idk I was thinking about last night" he said. "We've been together for 6 years going on 7 and this hasn't been a problem until now " I said and he look confused. "Don't act confused your not dumb " I said laughing. "I know I just idk " he said and looked down and I flip the pancake. "Babe I'm your and only yours but if you pull some shit your dead" I said laughing and he kiss me and the kids came down. "Mom I got dressed" Liz said and I looked and she was in cite high waster shorts and a Zach shirt (pretend he had merch that small) and some vans. "You look cute" I said and she smiled. "Okay let's eat " Julian said and we sat down and ate.

After breakfast

I walked in Mason room and got him an outfit it was a cute polo shirt and some shorts and his shoes. "Babe let me change him and you start to get ready " he said and I smiled. "Okay but be careful" I said and he gave me a look. "He's my kid"he said and I just laughed. I wanted to say something mean but I can't. I got in the shower and once I was done I went and got me some clothes and got dress I was wearing a white shirt with high wasted shorts some black yezzys and a red and black flannel around my waist. I went and put my hair in a high pony tail and did lit make up. I grabbed my phone and went into the group chat that had everyone and told them what was going on and everyone agree. I walked in our room and Julian was laying down with all the kids asleep. I smiled and took a picture. " hey is everyone ready "I yelled and they all woke up. " gosh mom"Julian said and walked out. "Yes mom" Liz said and gave me a mad look and walked out. I looked and Mason was smiling at me. "My baby" I said and picked him up. "Okay we have to go to the store and get some food. " Julian said hugging me from behind. "Okay let's go get the kids into your truck and we will go and you know what I just noticed Taylor and Matt are out for there movie " I said and was very confused. "Aww " Julian said but I knew he was hiding something. We got the kids all in the truck and started are adventure.

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