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Julian POV

I was currently getting off the flight from new York to get home to the kids and it was 2:30 I grabbed my bags and walked out and found my truck where I left it. I put my bags in the back and head for the drivers seat. As soon as I turned the radio on it was avails favorite song roman holiday by Halsey. I turned it up and began to drive to the house as soon as I pulled up I saw that the kitchen lit was on. I parked my truck and got my bags and unlock the door. Avail was sitting there with pictures of us and red puffy eyes it hurt my heart. She looked up and smiled and ran to me. "Don't ever fucken do that again " she said and hugged me. "I'm sorry baby girl " I said and she gave me a look. "What" I asked. "So your going to come home and act like everything's okay because you realized you needed me and the kids" she said and I can tell she was mad. "Babe why are you mad " I said and she gave me a ugly look. "Why am I made Julian you said you're leave me and my kids because your stressed and you called them Hayes kids and said your fucking cheating on me and I have no right to be mad. " she yelled and I heard moving upstairs. "The kids are going to wake up " I said and she started to laugh. "Oh yeah because your dad if the fucken year Julian and you finally care you know what I'm leaving now for a fucken change because I can't ever do that. I'm taking the kids you sit her and think like when the kids do something bad and we tell them reflect on what you just did take your own good dam advice. " she yelled and tears were pouring down her face. "Babe please" I said trying to hug her and she moved away from me and Liz and Julian were at the stairs. "Y'all want to go with mommy she s going to uncle Zach or grandma's or your dad " she asked them. "I want to go with you" Julian said and Liz got off if the stairs and ran to me. "Liz you want to stay" she said knowing that broke her heart. "Yeah mommy I will see you tomorrow I will go with you I want to be with daddy for a bit" she said and avail nodded her head. "Julian go get some clothes so I can get the baby ready " she said and walked up stairs. "Daddy you've been bad" Liz said and I laughed. "I know baby girl and I'm so sorry" I said and hugged her.

Avail POV

I was feed up with getting walked over I couldn't do this anymore. I grabbed my phone and texted Hayes.

H(Hayes) A (Avail)
A:Hayes I'm going with the boys to the vacation house again please meet up there Hayes I need you right now
H:what happened
A:he came back just alit and I don't want to be here when he's here and Liz wants to stay and I get her tomorrow
H:okay um I will get some taco bell for all of us and drink and meet you there
A:thank you Hayes
H:I love you see you in a bit
A: I love you Hayes
Text ended

I grabbed the baby and some clothes dippers for him and all the needs for him. I went to my room and got me a few outfits and changed. I put on some black leggings and Hayes hoodie witch Julian thinks is Zach and some vans and walked out with the baby and his stuff I went down stairs and Julian and Liz were watching TV and ju had his bag. "Don't stay up to late baby girl you need your sleep okay " I said wanting to cry. "Mommy I won't" she said smiling. "I will he here tomorrow to get you like you said okay " I said trying to give her a smile. "Okay mommy" she said and hugged me and Julian tried telling ju by but ju ignored him. "Julian don't ignore me" Julian said and he just looked at him. "That's your fault he isn't stupid he knows what goes on" I said and Julian gave me a look "your really leaving and pinning this on me I came back to you you decide to leave. " Julian said and I was ready to exploded. Did he really just say that this is all my fault hell no it ain't I trued he didn't care "bye Julian bye baby girl I will be here tomorrow okay mommy loves you " I said and started to walk away. "Avail wait " Julian said and I stopped. "What " I said and he handed me my ring. "Why would I need this remember you gave me papers " I said and placed it on the table and walked out. "Mom he makes me so mad" Julian said and I laughed. "I know baby boy" I said and bucked the kids in. "Hayes is waiting for us right " Julian said and I laughed "yes with taco bell" I said and he smiled "good" he said and I gave him a look a and drove to the house.

Hayes POV

I had just left taco bell and I got a text from avail.

A(Avail) H (Hayes )
A:I just got here Julian was like were seeing Hayes right and I was like he's kid he's bring taco bell and he was like good
H:oh my god he's funny I'm own my way I'm down the street
A:okay hurry
H:alright bye

I laughed and continued to drive to the house I got there and avail was getting bags out if her car. "Need help" I asked and she laughed. "Yes" she said and put them in the floor. "I got it" I said laughing. "Mom your phone " Julian said walking out. "Hey uncle Hayes" he said and hugged me. "Hey ju" I said smiling. "Julian go h be your brother this bottle " avail asked him and he was walking inside. "I'm sorry he's have a hard time " she sad and I laughed. "It's okay he's good kid "I said laughing. " he's so mad at Julian it hurts like he ignoring him and Liz didn't want to come "avail said and I knew she wanted to break down. " I hate seeing you like this I haven't seen you like this since that day with the accident and when you were going to leave to Texas "I said hugging her. " i know Hayes and he cane to say sorry Hayes I left "Avail said crying. " what about we go and put the baby to self let Julian eat and he sleeps and then we go lay down "I said and she smiled. " okay"she said. We walked in side and Julian was giving the baby his bottle. "Hayes can you go in nicks room and get Julian's old crib" avail asked. "Yeah" I said and I went and got it and brought it to avail. She layed the baby down in Edwin's room and made a area for Julian. "Mom I'm dine eating" Julian said walking in. "Okay take your shoes off and lay down " Avail said and he did. "I love you mom good night and you Hayes " he said and I smiled and hugged him and so did avail. The baby was asleep and we walked out to the kitchen. "Hayes I'm scared " she said sitting by me. "Why" I asked. "What if me and Julian never fix are problems and Liz wants to live with him and I take the boys "she said now crying. It hurts to see avail like this. I know I have done a lot to avail in are days but I've never seen her like this. " everything is going to be fine you have people who love you and would do anything for you avail. You have me I'm here if you'd need me "I said and she smiled and hugged me.

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