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Hayes POV

Once avail and Julian walked in holding hands I knew I shouldn't of feel for her again. I walked down stairs pissed. I grabbed my car keys and Everly stopped me and grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and Zach followed. "What happen before she came down. " Zach asked and I smiled a bit. "We were talking about old time and two seconds from kissing and baby Liz walked in and said that Julian was here and she walked out and I sat there smiling like an idiot hopeing I got her back and she walked in holding Julian's hand. " I said and looked down. "He grabbed hers she didn't want to grabbed his. " Zach said. "He grabbed her and hugged her and said I'm sorry Avail was so confused like how she got with science" Everly said and I laughed a bit. I heard something shatter and it was the baby he had s picture. I ran and picked him up before he can get cut with glass. I picked it up and it was me and avail. "You trying to tell me something " I said and he smiled. "Thanks for having my back. " I said and he giggled. "Daddy" he said and clapped his hands. "Mommy" he said and Everly grabbed him from me. Maybe it was time to let avail go and focus on me. I looked at the picture and it was us the first time we met. I started to pick the glass up and Nash started to help me. "I know that look. Hayes if you feel its time then its time but if you feel like there still might be a bit hope don't do it" Nash said and I nodded my head. The picture had the necklaces I got her insider. I grabbed them and the picture and threw then away with the glass. "Its time " I said and they looked at me confused and I felt weird. Like a weight off my shoulder but then my stomach was hurting. "After 9 going on 10 Years finally " Zach said by me as we looked at then trash. "Yeah it was time " I said and grabbed my keys. "Where you going " Taylor asked. "The mall because I'm going out tonight " I said smiling and walked out.

Avail POV

Me and Julian stood there awkward and I heard a glass break. I got out my room and saw Hayes grabbed the baby before anything can happen he looked at the picture and started to talk to the baby and mason was laughing. I smiled and started to think. Why did I ever leave Hayes I was happy with him he's the one I always wanted he the one I always wanted to marry but I went and choose a different path after 9 years going on 10 of us knowing each other and going threw so much I realized who my true love was. I looked back up and Hayes and Nash were now talking. I saw Hayes grab two necklaces and realized it was the ones he got me. Really mason really. I saw him grab them and walk over to then trash can with the glass. What? "Its time" he said and I got confused. For what you to throw glass away its not that big of a deal. I saw as he threw everything away and I got an ugly feeling. "After 9 going on 10 years finally " Zach said standing by Hayes. "Yeah it was time " he said and grabbed his keys. I was to late I lost him. "Where you going " Taylor asked. "The mall because I'm going out tonight " he said smiling and walked out. I felt tears come down and Nash looked at me. I shook my head in disbelief and now Everly was looking at me. I notice Hayes was gone and I ran to my room and Julian was on the phone. "What do you mean the baby's not mine" he said ams I sighed. "You cheated on me" he yelled and I laughed and he looked up. "Just like you cheated on me " I said and grabbed my phone shoes and keys and walled out. "Avail wait" he yelled after me. "What so you can tell me you didn't mean to cheat and the baby's not even yours Julian your fucken pathetic. No I am I just lost the boy I loved all this time because I was blind. Its okay though because he didn't deserve me he need way much better. When Hayes gets back y'all tell him I said I'm happy for him and I support his answer and Nash thank you " I said and started walking out. "Where are you going. " Everly asked. "To Texas Julian spend time with your kids for once I will be back baby's I said then paused. " no y'all come on were going by the house and getting clothes y'all want to go see grandma and uncle rylie "I said and they were so confused. " Avail just leave them "Everly said and I gave her a look. " I will bring them down on Sunday"she said and I looked at her like she was crazy. "Mom you need time alone we will be fine " julian said and mason walked up to me. "Bye mommy" he said and I smiled and kissed them by. I turned and saw Hayes. "Excuse me " I said and he stopped me. He kissed me and I kissed him then pulled back. "Hayes no you don't need me im broken I have been since they day we met there's no fixing this " I said and slipped out of his grip and grabbed my bag and walked out. I'm really leaving my kids for two days I'm going to die.

Everly POV

"Wtf just happened" Edwin said and we all stayed quite. "She grew up " Zach said and I sat down. "She's finally realizing what she need was in front of her this whole time " I said under my breath. "But she realized and said no to Hayes " Nash said. "She's going lesbian " Timmy said just to lighten up the mood and to get us laughing. "She likes dick to much " julain said and I looked at him. "Daddy can I go with you " Liz asked him and he nodded his head. Mason went to His legs and motion him to carry him. "Julian you coming. " he asked and julain got quite and finally nodded his head. Hayes was on the caouch confused asf. "I think we should all call it a night I'm staying here tonight " Edwin said. "Same " Zach said and in nodded my head. "Mom" Madison said hugged me. "Let's go lay down come in boys " I said and they followe me. "I guess were all staying like old times but a bit grown up " Timmy said and I looked at him. "You the most immature out if us all " rudan said laughing. "I'm still the greatest though. " he said and we all walked up staris Julian had took the kids and Hayes sat there looking at the wall. "Hayes go home to Zan and get some sleep in will call you tomorrow" I said and he hugged me. " thank you "he said and at this point was crying. " you welcome Hayes and thank you for along her realize "I said hugging him also we pulled away and I laughed. " you still had madcarra on. "I said and he whipped his eyes. " bye guys "Hayes yelled and byes came from all the house. I smiled we were all home were it all started. Nick was sleep in his room. Rudan and Emily were in rudans. Edwin and his bee girl friend kylee and me and Zach with the kids in are I smiled and sigh this weekend was long crazy and good.

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