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I woke up to a empty bed and mascara everywhere. Was I crying wtf. I looked around for the kids and julian and i couldn't find them. "Guys" i called walking out and saw a note on the counter.

Dear sleeping cry baby
We went to go get the kids julian finally decide to give them to us and hayes should be there soon. Oh and why tf were you crying so much last night. But anyways see you when were there.
Love zach

Wait what they were with me all night i had them. Omg I'm going crazy wtf is wrong with me. I walked back to my room and saw a bottle of wine. That's why. I was drunk i guess. Wait so then all of this was a dream.  I'm so confused.  I heard the door open and i look nervously. Hayes walked in with whataburger and advil. "Avail" he said walking in turning the light on. "Turn it off"i said and he did and walked closer to the bed. "Hayes what happen last night"i asked him and he smiled a bit. "Well we had some fun then all that happen with julian and you never thought you were going to be the kids back so then you started to flip even more and you found your moms stash and drank like drank then cried then i told you i had to leave because I'm suppose to leave to Florida right now and you got mad real mad so then i left and called and told them i had a family emergency and that i couldn't come then came back here and you said to come and play with your hair and you finally fell asleep. "Hayes said now out of breath. I started to take a bit of my food but it was coming up. I ran to the rest room and hayes followed and held my hair once i was done pucking my life away i look at hayes big blue eyes and smiled. "Lets take a shower "hayes said and i laughed. "Okay start it" i said and hayes laughed. "Were crazy"he said as i walked to close my room door and lock it along with closing my rest room door and doing the same. "Were crazy in love"i said as i began to brush my teeth. Once i was done brushing my teeth hayes and i got undress and into the shower.

Zach pov.

Julian has a lot of nerve to go and pull this big stunt on avail he hurt her more then he can. We pulled up to the air port and went to the kids gate. They ran out with Julian by there side and jump into our arms. "Uncle zach"liz called smiling. "I missed yall" ju said hugging the bottom of my legs and Julian handed mason to everly. "Swear to god if you ever decide to pull something like this again you wont be living" Everly snapped at him and he just gave her a look. He followed up to the car and put the kids stuff in and said there good byes. "Lets go see mom "ju said smiling. "And uncle hayes "liz said smiling and i laughed.

Avail  pov

"What about we go and get ice cream and tell everyone to meet us there " hayes question and i gave him a duh look. "Of course"i yelled as i put my shirt above my head.  "Maybe we should cover that"i said placing my finger on a hickey on hayes neck. "Nah "he said and i giggled. He rapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "Avail "he said as we looked into each others eyes. "Hayes"i said as we were both into a deep stair. "I love you "he said and i smiled a bit. "I love you "i said back and he smiled and leaned in and placed his soft lips onto mine. Just then i heard little knocks on the door. "Mommy"i heard mason call and me and hayes pulled away. I got up and hayes threw a shirt on sadly and i open the door and picked mason up. "I missed you my little sunshine "i said giving him kisses all over his face and he was giggling. "I miss you to mommy"he said and kissed my check. "Uncle hayes"liz yelled running up the stairs and he picked her up as she did. "Hey lizzy"he said and we all walked down stairs and Julian ran to me. "Mom"he yelled running to me. "Ju "i said and hugged him. "What's that uncle hayes "lizzy said pointing at his neck. "Told you it would happen "everly said and i laughed. "Um uncle hayes got hit playing football "i said and hayes laughed. "Yeah by this wild lady who likes to get all crazy "he said and i got red. "We didnt need to know that "zach said shacking his head . "lets go get ice cream "Mason said and i laughed.  "We were about to "i said and he smiled. "Yall want to join " hayes asked and they shock there head. "Moms about to be home with the kids. "Everly said and i nodded  and loaded the kids up.

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