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I was on my way to the Airport and I was nervous for some reason. Julian told me there flight got here at 3am. And it was currently 2:30am so I wasn't waiting that long. Once I got to the airport I found a spot and parked my car. I was nervous for some reason. I got out and then paused. What if I should of stayed with Hayes or I should never had sex with him. Wait no it was good. I walked in the air port and wait by the gate they were coming from. Ugh they need to hurry. I sat down and looked at there gate like a crazy ass bitch but these are my baby's. There flight finally arrived and I was happy but nervous. "Mommy" mason called from Julian arms and I smiled and hugged them. "I missed y'all" I said now crying. "Your such a mom " Julian said laughing. "And your lucky I don't kill you " I said laughing. "Mom dad took care of us its fine " ju said and I smiled and hugged him tight. "Lizzy " I said and hugged her right as well. Julian put mason down and hugged me tight. And that's when all the tears came out. "I'm sorry" I said hugging him extremely tight. "No I'm sorry " he said and I smiled. Ugh I fucken hate this ass so much but I'm in live with him. "Let's go to grandmas already " Liz said and I laughed. "Yeah we need some sleep were going to six flags tomorrow " I said and ju and Liz high five each other. I picked mason up and we all walked to my car and drove to my mom's. "Put make up on that shit " Julian said to me as we drove. Really bro really. Don't start. "Put make up on that" I said point to one of his. "Actually that's from you " he said and I got quite. "Your the last person I've slept with. " he said and I gave him a look. "Your full of crap " I said laughing and he pulled the car over. "I'm serious" he said and I got quite. Oh well. "In sorry " I said softly and Julian grabbed my hand. "All that matters is its us now the family and were all going to he happy and were going to be fine "Julian said and I was confused. " Julian "I said and he just kept driving. We finally got to my moms and the whole house was lit up. There up tf. I grabbed a sleep mason and the kids got out and followed. I walked in along with everyone and there was so much yelling going on. " where's avail"I heard a raspy voice say. "Hayes your drunk lay down" Everly called and I sighed. "Take your brother and y'all go to my old room and stay and don't get out till I say " I said to ju and he did as he was told. I walked in and put my purse down and Julian was right behind me. "Hayes you had a flight why are you here " I said making him sit down. "Because I missed you " he said smiling. "Hayes don't do this we talked about this already. " I said and Julian smiled a bit. "What about how your going back to him. " he said blankly. "Hayes I didn't Say that" I said now getting upset. "Then what did you say " Julian said asked. "I said I wanted to wait with everything Julian" I said and I was getting pissed at this point. "So then why have you been leading me on" he said and I gave him a look. "Julian you jumped to everything. " I yelled and he smiled. "Then why did you go along " he said and I got quite. "She loves you " Hayes said and I nodded my head. "But she also loves you " Everly said and I got quite. "But she needs to be with Julian for the kids and everything you need to fix everything with your family and everything needs to go back to normal " Hayes said and I smiled. "Get up" I said grabbing his hand and I hugged him. "I love you avail " he said and I got quite. "Hayes why are you doing this you say go to Julian then oh I love you then last night and everything I'm so fucken confused " I yelled and he got quite. "What happen between y'all " Zach asked and we smiled. "Um stuff " I said and Hayes laughed. "Many stuff " he said and I was laughing hella hard at this point. "They finally had sex " Everly yelled and Julian was getting upset. "Calm down " I said to Julian and he was trying. "I honestly think y'all should work it out for the sake of the kids " mom said and I got quite. "I just don't want everything to get back to normal and he leave again and there can be another girl " I said and Julian grabbed my hand and pulled me close. "I promise you on everything in the world avail there's not going to be anyone els but you. Your my world and my one and only. I still remember that day we went to time square and I gave you the promise ring what did I tell you" he said and I smiled. "That you feel crazy for me and one day it will he a wedding ring and that you want to spend the rest of your life with me " I said Now smiling like a dumb ass. "And only you I don't want anyone els. Avail this was a bump in the road it was wrong for me to do what I did and I'm extremely sorry " Julian said and I was crying now again like always. "But I messed up to Julian it wasn't only you " I said and Julian giggled. "Who care come here " he said and we kissed and smiled between I missed this so much. I love this ass whole to death. "Yay mommy and daddy are back together " liz yelled and I laughed pulling away. "Yeah and were getting a new house " Julian said and I gave him a look. "Why" I said laughing. "I have good news " he said and I gave him a look. "I got drafted to the Texas rangers " he said and mom yelled like a weirdo. "My baby's are moving back to Texas " mom said dancing. "I'm not moving " Zach said and Everly looked at him a smiled. "I can't leave avail why can't we move back " Everly said and now Zach was smiling. "Okay good because I miss home " Zach said and we all laughed. "Damn running home " Riley yelled and I gave him a look. "Says the one who never moved " I said laughing. "Let's all go to sleep were going to six flags tomorrow "ju said walking down. " hey grandma has a room for y'all to stay in so your mom and dad can lay alone "mom said and i gave her a look. " please "I said to Julian and he laughed. " there laying with us"Julian said laughing. "Y'all act like kids" Everly said walking upstairs. "Good night family " I yelled walking upstairs. "Goodnight " Everly yelled and I laughed. Me and Julian walked in my room and I put mason down in his play pin and layed down and made sure everyone was in PJs. Once we layed down Liz and Julian feel straight to sleep and I laughed to my self. "Good night baby" I said kissing Julian and he kissed back. "Good night my love " he said and I snuggled in his chest and drifted to sleep.

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