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"Guys let's ask Haeyoon and Yaera hang out tomorrow." N said excitedly.

"Good let's call them. Ah no we play game then that person who loses need to call Haeyoon or Yaera to meet up at the park and the person have to pretending that he having crush on Haeyoon or Yaera. See they reaction and the rest will make a 'boo' suprise after hiding behind the tree. If the guy from class 1 he need to call Yaera. If he in class 2 he need to call Haeyoon. Ok deal?" Said Ken suddenly butt in.

Everyone didn't give any respond suddenly,

"Hyung it's HORIBLLE." Said Hyuk and Hongbin together half shouted.

"Yah Ken i agreed with your good idea. Let's play game to decide." Said N smilling.

"Ahh Hyung!" Shouted Hongbin.

"I'm not joining. Ever." Hyuk said.

"No excuse." Said N pushing Hyuk to play the game.

And the result is,

"DAMN GOD ! I LOSE!! KEN HYUNG WHY YOU MAKING THIS DARE?" Hyuk shouting when he lost the game.

"Now call Haeyoon." Ravi said.

"I don't have her phone number. So I won't do this." Hyuk said.

"No way. I will give you her phone number. Now call." Said Ken.

"Ah damn." Hyuk whispered to himself but good enough to they catch up what he saying.

Hyuk begin to call Haeyoon.

Haeyoon answered the call.

"Min Haeyoon?" Hyuk begin.

"Ya what? And who is this."

"It's me HAN SANGHYUK I want to meet you right now at the park." Said Hyuk with cold-toned voice.

"What the hell is this? Why?" Asked Haeyoon curiously.

"Please. Just do it okay. I'm hanging up." Said Hyuk and turn off the phone.

"Wow Hyuk so cool." Said Ken.

"Pft what's good to being cool at this? I hate this urgh." Said Hyuk harshly.


Haeyoon POV

I walked to park that Hyuk talking about. Seriously what get into him? I saw a tall figure near the bench so I went there.

"What's up why want to meet me." I said then he turned his face and looked at me.

He is so tall so i need to raise my head to see his eyes. He smiled. Wait, he smile?! I don't know his smile could be this attractive. What the hell you're talking about Min Haeyoon?!

"Min Haeyoon. I like you. That's all." He said.

I was shocked and I started to freeze.

"What are you talking about? Are you serious?" I said.

He didn't reply and suddenly,

"Of course not! Bahh!" Said VIXX come out nowhere.

"Are you lying to me?" I said. But strangely a tears came out.

"Yah are you crying? I'm sorry this my fault." Said Ken.

Author POV

Ken and the rest were worried about Haeyoon because she's crying nonstop since just now. Except Hyuk.

"I've said you shouldn't do this. See what are going on. I want to back to our dorms bye." Said Hyuk heartlessly and walked away.

"Yah can you stay with us?" Said Ravi worriedly.

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