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Haeyoon POV

I can't calm down. I take my phone and send something to Hakyeon.

Haeyoon.min : Yeon, where are you?
Cha.N : it's me Taekwoon. If you want to call he a murderer, better you don't know where he is.
Haeyoon.min : I want to apologized. Tell me where is your location.
Cha.N : we at the hospital. Hyuk also here.
Haeyoon.min : I'll go there.

I take taxi to the hospital.

The hospital is so crowded.

"Excuse me? Where is the room of patient named Cha Hakyeon?" I ask the nurse at the counter.

"Room number 2405."

"Thank you."

I walk to that room. I open the door. All eyes on me except Hakyeon who still sleeping.

"How dare you come here?" Ken said.

"What you gonna do again?" This time Hyuk's turn but with a weak tone.

"I was the one who call her to come here." Someone said behind me. I turned around.


"She come here to apologized." Leo said.

I nodded.

"Everyone except Leo, Hyuk and Haeyoon can you guys wait outside for a minute?" Yaera said.

They get out from the room.

"Now , Haeyoon say what you should say."

"I.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't do this to him if I know that he is sick."

"How you know that he sick?" Hyuk ask with a very cold tone.

I look at Yaera.

"I told her." Yaera said.

"Yaera knows from me." Leo said.

"By the way , Haeyoon you're too much." The guy that I love so much said. Again with a very cold tone.

I don't know but I feel my heart broken into pieces.

I can't help but the tears fall.

"I.. really want to apologized.. This all is my fault.." I said.

Author POV

"I.. really want to apologized.. This all is my fault.."
Haeyoon said.

Yaera and Leo's eyes are glancing at Hyuk. Hyuk noticed it.

Hyuk make a 'what' face and Yaera and Leo give a lip signal shown

'Hug her.'

Hyuk step closely to Haeyoon and slowly bring her to his embrace.

"Stop crying.. This all Xiumin's fault. You nothing with this.. Stop crying you look so ugly." Hyuk said.

But Haeyoon tears fall like a waterfall.

Hyuk pat his girlfriend back slowly.


"Hyuk, it's already 9.00. You better take Haeyoon home." Leo said.

"Let's go.." Hyuk said.

Haeyoon just follow Hyuk instructions.

They walk along the dim lamppost. Haeyoon tears still can be heard.

Hyuk very worried at Haeyoon. He can't stop staring at Haeyoon.

"We arrived. Here. You need to wipe your tears what if your mom asked why you cry?" Hyuk hand up a handkerchief.

"T-thanks.." Haeyoon voice is trembling.

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