Hyuk already waiting in front of Haeyoon's house.

"I've said , just knock the door don't wait outside , you'll catch the cold , at least stay inside your car." Haeyoon said as she saw Sanghyuk.

"I'm okay. Let's go." As usual he pick up Haeyoon to Hospital.

"What's time you finish today?" He asks.

"2 p.m" Haeyoon said.

"Cool. I want take you to wedding boutique." Hyuk said.


"Are you busy these days? It's been a long time since our last date." Hyuk said.

"Yes. So many people sick these day." Haeyoon said.

"Its must be really hard." Hyuk said.

"It's normal for me now." Haeyoon said.

It's been 2 months since Haeyoon being a doctor. Two weeks more , he will be Sanghyuk's wife.


Haeyoon walking with Doctor Yun.

"ARGHHH!" One of the patient screams.

"Here she goes again." Doctor Yun said.

"What's wrong with her?" Haeyoon asks.

"She is a psycho. She receiving treatment here." Doctor Yun said.

"Psycho ? How she can be a psycho?" Haeyoon asks.

"Yah! How could I know ? She's not my patient. You know her?" Doctor Yun asks.

"Not really. Doctor Yun, I got to go, I have a surgery after this." Haeyoon said.

"Okay take care Doctor Min." Doctor Yun said and they separate.

Instead going to operation room , Haeyoon go to the psychologist department.

"Hello , Can I have a record of that patient?" Haeyoon asks the nurse pointing the woman who's screaming just now.


Haeyoon wait at the main entrance of the hospital.

"Sorry for being late , I have some schedule just now." Hyuk said , rushing to Haeyoon.

"Oh, it's okay. I understand." Haeyoon said forcing a bitter smile.

"Hey what's wrong? You seem not in good mood?" Hyuk asks with concern.

"Oh nothing maybe I have some headache." Haeyoon said , touching his head.

"What? Are you sure you're okay? You had the lunch?" Hyuk said , holding Haeyoon's shoulder.

"Yea I'm okay. I haven't lunch yet." Haeyoon said.

"What? Nevermind let's go eat first. Or maybe if you want we can postponed our date ?" Hyuk said.

"I'll be okay after having some food. I don't agree with the statement our date should be postponed. So after we eat , we still can go to the wedding boutique." Haeyoon said smiling.

They had some food at the cafeteria and they go to the wedding boutique.

"I'll try this one." Haeyoon said pointing at the a dress.

After 5 minutes , she get out from the fitting room.

Hyuk seem stunned

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Hyuk seem stunned.

"Haeyoon ah! How could this be really you? You look like a angel!" Hyuk said.

"Yah ! Don't talk nonsense." Haeyoon said with embarrassment.

"Do you like this one?" Hyuk said.

"Yup. Why you don't like it?" Haeyoon asks.

"No! I love this one. Okay I'll try some tuxedo." Hyuk said , get up from his seat.

After they done everything , they decide to get home.

"Hyuk ah , Yaera asks to go to her home because she cook some dinner for us including vixx." Haeyoon said as she read some text from her phone while Hyuk is driving.

"Are you okay with that? Or you want to go home?" Hyuk asks.

"No no , I want to go to her home." Haeyoon said. They go straight to Yaera's home.

As they arrive , Vixx already arrived.

"Why you invite all of us suddenly?" Hyuk asks.

"Just I feel I want to cook for you all." Yaera said as she still busy at the kitchen meanwhile everyone having some free time at living room.

"I'll help you." Haeyoon said , and get up.

"No! Sit back at your seat." Yaera yells from the kitchen.

"Fine." Haeyoon rolled her eyes.

After Yaera finish cooking they having their dinner together.

"I'll help with the dishes." Hongbin said , offering himself for helping.

"Really? Sure." Yaera said.

They all gather at the living room.

"Do you like for some hot chocolate?" Haeyoon asks.

"I'll get it." Yaera said.

"Nevermind , spend your time with these handsome guys." Haeyoon said and laugh.

"Yah!" Yaera shouted because she was shy.

"I heard you guys will get married ?" N asks.

"Yes. When is your turn?" Hyuk asks.

"For what?" N asks.

"Get married." Hyuk said.

"Oh, well , someday." N said.

They all having fun and they sleep over at Yaera house. Since Haeyoon gets a day off for tomorrow.

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