Hyuk POV

I'm so excited to give this shell necklace to Haeyoon. I hope she will like it. I put my school uniform and go to breakfast.

"Sanghyuk, how your first day yesterday?" My mom ask.

"Not bad."

"Are you happy that you can play piano again?" She ask again.

"Of course! Okay mom I'm late. Goodbye." I said and kiss her cheek.

I put my black converse and get into the car. I didn't move into Vixx dorm yet. I want to spend more time with my parents.

Finally I arrived in school. First thing that I do is I search for Haeyoon.

I walk around the school to look for her. I miss Keren so much.

"Haeyoon,.." I try to call her.

What did I saw just now? Is that Xiumin? Haeyoon and Xiumin together. Joking around.

Haeyoon,.. It's hurt.

I walk to nearer rubbish bin. I try to throw the box. Someone hold my hand.

"Sanghyuk stop." He said.

"Hyung.." N hyung stopped me.

"What are you doing..?" He ask.

I didn't answer. Just tears fall.

"You want to give it to Haeyoon right? Why you want to throw it?" He ask.

"Hyung, Xiumin.. and Haeyoon are close?" I ask.

"You've see them? Hm yeah." He said.

"Why you not stop her?!" I said with tears.

"I've tried Hyuk. She didn't listen to me." He said.

"You can't cry here.. Come with me." N hyung pulled me into a empty classroom.

"Hyuk, you like Haeyoon right? You must fight Xiumin. I know he don't like Haeyoon with real feelings." He said.

"What can I do hyung? Xiumin, Exo.. They said it's our fault that Suho hyung die. It's happens 3 years ago but I can still remember it. I don't know what I can do to stop Xiumin getting closer with Haeyoon. End up, Haeyoon is the person that hurts."

"I know.. But that present. Keep it. Don't throw. You can give to her when you're ready." N hyung said.

"Okay hyung. The class will begin and I'm not in mood to talk with Haeyoon." I said.

In the class
Author POV

Hyuk sit at his place.

"Sanghyuk , goodmorning." Haeyoon said.

Hyuk remain silent.

"What's wrong with you?" Haeyoon ask again.

"You better shut up." Hyuk said.

Haeyoon POV

"You better shut up." He said.

Okay what's wrong with him. Yesterday he is so kind. But today he completely change 360°.


I walk to the canteen.

"Yeon , what's wrong with Hyuk? He don't want to talk with me." I ask.

"Hm.. Ask him." He said and leave me.

Okay what exactly happened to everyone huh?

"Haeyoon ah , let's walk." Xiumin said.

"Leggo." I said.

We walk at the botanical garden.

"Haeyoon, let's sit down."

I sit on the bench.

"Haeyoon, I like you." He said.

"Huh? Xiumin, I like you too. But as a friend. I like someone else. Sorry." I said and I leave him.

I entered the class. Next we have PE so we have to go to field.

Author POV.

Students gathering at the field.

"Okay , today we're going to play dodgeball." Mr. Jung said.

"Haeyoon , do you want to be in same team with me?" Xiumin ask.

"No. I will be in the same team with Yaera." Haeyoon said.

"Ouh. Okay then."

Xiumin POV

The dodgeball game start. From the second that we start Han Sanghyuk was staring at Haeyoon. It's the time to me to throw the ball at him.

I throw and the ball and the ball strike his face.

Good job Xiumin.

Hyuk POV

The ball hit my face. My body on the floor. My nose is bleeding.

"HAN SANGHYUK! ARE YOU OKAY?" Haeyoon run to me.

"Sanghyuk are you okay?" Leo hyung and N hyung come closer to me.

"I'm okay hyung." I said.

I ignored Haeyoon. She hold my hand but I pushed her aside.

"Sanghyuk, why you doing this to me?" Slow but still I can hear.

Sorry Haeyoon.

The school dismiss. I packed my book inside the bag.

"Sanghyuk. You must be tired because the game just now. Drink this." Haeyoon beside me hand up a bottle of drink.

"No need." I said and leave her.

I walk to the home and listening to music. I'm so angry with Xiumin today erh that boy. I kick a stone.

Someone stopped me. I turned around.

"Sanghyuk. Why you doing this to me?" She is Haeyoon.

I didn't answer and pulled out my hand from her grip.

She pulled me again and I pull her into my embrace.

"Sanghyuk.." Her head is on my chest.

"You know what? I like you. Can you stop getting close with other boy? It's hurt." I said.

She lift her head and I kissed her. I want to protect her.

"Sanghyuk you know what? I like you too."

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