2 Years Later

-Incheon International Airport

Haeyoon get out from the gate with her luggage and saw Yaera and N.

"Hey!" Yaera calls.

"It's been a long time." Haeyoon said and hug Yaera.

Three of them get into the car , N driving and Yaera beside him. Haeyoon sit at the back seat.

"Haeyoon , can you follow us to the dormitory first? I left something there." Yaera asks.

"Hm sure."

"Haeyoon ," N calls.


"Did you contacted Hyuk when you in Canada?" N asks.

"Not even once."

"What?!" N and Yaera said in chorus.

"What's wrong with you guys hahah it's okay. I know he is busy because you all already be the idol right?" Haeyoon said.

Yeah. Vixx already debut under Jellyfish Entertainment. Meanwhile Yaera debut as a soloist under the same label.

"Even he is busy , don't he think he should contact you?" Yaera said.

"Ah I don't know. Let him be."

"So do you have a boyfriend?" N asks.

"Of course no! I don't even know what is my relationship status right now. Yeah to be honest , many people are attracted to me but I said I already have a boyfriend."

"Good to hear." N feels relieve.

As they talking , they arrive at Vixx's dormitory.

It's so dark. Haeyoon switch on the lamp.

"WELCOME BACK MIN HAEYOON!" They all shouted with a cake and confetti.

"What the heck? Hahahaha I'm so touched!" Haeyoon said.

But there's no Hyuk.

Haeyoon POV

I looked around , I still can't see where the heck Hyuk is. Try not to be obvious but the others notice.

"You're looking for Hyuk right? Admit it , you miss him." Ken said.

I just look at the ground. Don't know what to reply , because what did just Ken say are 100 percent true.

"Min Haeyoon." A voice that I really know call my name , I look at the place where the voice comes from.

"Han Sanghyuk."

He getting closer to me with a bunch of roses.

"I wait for you so long. I miss you." He said.

I can't say anything or look at his face. I admit , I do miss that face and that voice. If I allowed , I want to hug him. I miss him so much.

"Want you marry me?" He asks.

I choked my own spit.

"Hyuk ah, I'm sorry but I don't think I can't accept you back like this." I said , staring at the ground. I do miss him but one thing stopped me. Ego.

"Okay. I understand. I won't force you. I know you need time." He said.

"Okay. Let's go eat. Hey release the tension!" Hongbin said.

We sit at the dining table. I have no appetite to eat. He is sitting in front me , I know he is staring at me that's why I keep looking at my foot.

"Haeyoon ah ? How is your exam?" Ken Ravi asks , breaking the silence.

"Oh I passed all my tests and I'll be a doctor." I said.

"When will you start working?" Leo asks.

"Segwang Hospital already call me , so next week." I said.

"Wow so fast." They seem amazed.

After eating , we all sit at the living room.

Hyuk whisper at me.

"Can we talk for a minute outside?"


We both get out from the dorm and walking at the garden.

"Do you still me?" Hyuk start the conversation.

"Hm. Yeah." I answered.

"Hm. I miss you." He said.

Yes Sanghyuk I miss you too.

"I'm so sorry for not calling or texting you. I want to make a suprise yeah I want to propose you." He said.

"Hm. I understand." I said.

"Maybe you still can't forgive me." He said.

"Sanghyuk , I already forgive you." I said and get into the dormitory.

They all sit at the living room.

"Wanna play some games ?" Hongbin asks.

"What game?" I asks. To be honest, I love game.

"Truth or dare." Ken said.

"Okay. Sure !" I said and I knocked the table.

"You seem so excited." Yaera said.

"Hey of course it's been 2 years." I said.

"I'll take the bottle." Ravi said.

He turns the bottle and the bottle stop at Yaera.

"Why you like N?" Ravi asks.

"There's so many reason. First, he's handsome but sometime he can be cute and second he's so kind. Third his leadership. Fourth-"

"Stop. Let proceed the game." Leo cut Yaera's line.

I'm so glad he stopped Yaera , if she proceed , I don't when it will end.

The bottle stopped at Hyuk.

"I dare you kiss Haeyoon's forehead." Yaera said.

"That's too much." I said at Yaera.

"Yeah. It's too much." Hyuk said.

"Hey you guys will get marry someday just do it." Ken said.

"Hm. Just for this mission." I said.

He slowly come to me and kiss my forehead that covered with my bang so it means he kiss my hair not my forehead hahaha what ever.

Hyuk turns the bottle. Surprisingly , the bottle stopped at me.

"Someday , will you marry me?" Hyuk asks.

I'm shocked and my cheeks feel heated.

"Yah just say yes." Yaera said.

"I know you want." Leo said.

"Okay fine yes." I said , covering my cheeks.

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