Haeyoon POV

I put my sneakers and open the door.

"Good morning.."

"Sanghyuk! What are you doing here?" I rushed to him.

"To walk with you."


We arrived to school.

"Haeyoon, you're arrived?" Xiumin suddenly blocked our way.

I glanced at Hyuk and see his unsatisfied face.
I grab his arm and say

"Xiumin, can you move aside we on our way. Let's go Hyuk." I said and pull Hyuk.

"This is my Haeyoon." He whispered to me.

We giggled.

We sit at our place and talking till Ms.Kang arrive for Music.

"Okay class. Today we're having talent audition. You guys can work in pair. Easy, you guys pair with the person you sit with."

I high five Hyuk. We laugh.

"Okay you guys can discuss now." Ms.Kang said.

"I will play piano. And you play guitar. Deal?" Hyuk said.


I giggle.

Recess time.

"What is this Min Haeyoon? Are you dating Hyuk?" Yaera suddenly come to me.

"Hm yeah." I kinda shy.

"Daebak! You're cheating on me huh?" Yaera said and pouting.

"Seo Yaera. I'm not that gay okay." I said.

"Yeah I know. Just kidding. By the way, congrats!! But how about Minseok?" She ask.


"Okay I get it. Let's go." Yaera pull me to canteen.

I smile to Hyuk. He smile back. Gosh that smile tho.

"Min Haeyoon! I heard you dating Hyuk now?" Ken suddenly said.

"Hm yeah." I said.

"Congrats." N said.

"Thanks Yeon." I said.

I'm happy. But still curious about something. So I try to be brave and ask them.

"By the way, guys.. Why you guys hate Minseok?" I ask.

N chocked his food. The others panicked.

"Haeyoon, this not the right time.." Hyuk said.

He give water to N. They hiding something from me.

N and Leo stand. They're on the way to the bathroom.


"I can't calm down Taek ah, what to do? I'm barely sweating right now."

"Thanks god I brought your medicine. Here." He take the medicine from his pocket.

I grab the bottle. Taekwoon always like a fairy for me. He always with me when I'm in this kind of situation.

"I think.. We need to tell Haeyoon about this." He said.

"No way! I'm afraid if she not believe us. By the way she and Hyuk just dating each other. I'm afraid this will affected their relationship." I said.

My whole body is trembling.

"Let's go to the school clinic. I don't think you can get into the class with this situation."  He said.


Xiumin POV

I walk along the corridor.

"Oh Haeyoon,.." I called for her.


"Vixx is hiding something from you isn't it?" I smirked.


"I really want to tell you about this."

"What is it?"

"For your information, My hyung, die because that Vixx leader! Cha Hakyeon!"

"What are you talking about?! Kim Minseok don't dare you kidding me!"

"Min Haeyoon, I'm serious."

Haeyoon POV

I totally in shocked when Xiumin said that. How can a innocent , kind , fairy look Hakyeon is a murderer? I can't believe.

Hakyeon is walking with Hyuk. I rushed to him.

"Han Sanghyuk get away from him!" I pulled Hyuk aside.

They totally in shocked.

"What's wrong?" N ask.

"You killed Xiumin's hyung isn't you?"

He obviously trembling and sweating.

"Min Haeyoon what's gotten into you?!" Hyuk push me aside and raised a bit of his voice.

"Hyung are you okay?" Hyuk ask N.

Leo rushed to us.

"Hakyeon, are you okay? What did you do Min Haeyoon?!" Leo's turn to raised his voice at me.

"I've done nothing to this murderer!" I scream at them.

"Haeyoon, you with me." I saw anger in Hyuk's face he pulled my hand hard.

"Why you being like this?" He ask. But in lower tone sternly.


"N hyung didn't do anything wrong."

"You just on his side right?"

"It's up to you if you want to believe me, your boyfriend or that jerk Xiumin. It's up to you. I don't care. But I won't talk to you." He said then he leave me.

Gosh why this thing being so complicated?

The school dismiss.

I walked and the playlist played Call you mine that Hyuk record for me. His word suddenly come into my mind.

"But I won't talk to you..."

We just love each other but why this can happen? In one day. This morning he walk with me but now he won't talk to me.


I turned around.

"Oh Yaera? Why?"

"Can we talk? Privately? At the playground?" She said.

"Okay then.."

She sit on the bench.

"Take a sit."

"Okay what's wrong?" I ask.

"Haeyoon,.... Hakyeon.. He not a murderer.."

"If you wanna talk about him, better you don't." I stand up. She grab my wrist.

"Hakyeon is not the person that kill Xiumin's hyung. He kill himself. Hakyeon and he was used to be friend but one day a girl named Yookyung came and they fight to get her. For Hakyeon, getting Yookyung is not the important thing. The important thing is Yookyung's safety. Xiumin's hyung who named Suho is a player and clubber. Hakyeon love Yookyung, he never let Suho get Yookyung. The reason why he kill himself? Because Yookyung left them. For your information, N has a phobia. You see him when you mention Xiumin's hyung? He trembling and can't get calm. I saw you guys from the first. And I want you to know that I am on Hakyeon side. And now he is in hospital. You better go and say sorry to him." Yaera said.

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