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*Daniel's POV*

"Baby, you need to eat something." Julie said and handed me a fat sand which.

I sighed and shook my head. "How can I eat? Both my sister and best friend are in a damn coma!!" I felt the tears coming but I pushed them away. I'm a man, dammit! Stop crying!

Julie moved so that she was between my legs. She cupped my face and the sparks and tingles flew everywhere. "They are gunna be fine, Daniel." She kissed me softly and I thanked God I had her.

I picked her up and slowly put her on my bed, laying her down. "I love you so much..." I kissed her nose then her lips.

She smiled. "I love you too." We started kissing and it go really heated. My pants tightened and I could smell Julie's arousal. We only did....you know....once a while ago. Afterwards she cried and it broke my heart. When I met Julie she was so broken and I didn't want to pressure her whats so ever so I never tried to. "Baby?"


She slowly took her shirt off showing her amazing breasts in a dark blue lace bra. I moaned. "I'm ready to make love to you again." She said and pulled me in to kiss her. I kissed her back hard but she stopped. I looked at her confused and now she looked nervous. "First I have to tell you something....." I rose my eyebrows, waiting. She sighed. "I-I-I-i thin-think...ummm..."

I chuckled and I grabbed her hands and kissed her palms. "Baby just spit it out."

"Ithinkimightbepregnant!" She said so fast. I gave her a look and she sighed. "I think....I might be...pregnant....?"

My heart started beating a million miles per minute and happiness overtook my body. I smiled hugely and kissed her passionately. "Really? We might be having a baby??" She smile and nodded. "That's great baby!!!" We both laughed and hugged each other tightly.

"Thank god you're happy! But see though? Anna and Cris will* wake up and we might be having a mini Julie!"

"Hey!" I pouted. "Or a mini Daniel!"

She gasped in mock horror. "Goddess help us all!" I growled and nipped at her neck, making her giggle. I'm so happy right now! My amazing and beautiful mate might be carrying my child! Now Anna and Cris just need to wake up....

*Jace's POV*

Sasha sighed after checking up on Anna. "Her vitals are normal and surgery went good. Now all we can do is wait for her to wake up. As for Cris, I'm going to call my sister, Kirsten, to come down. Us together is more powerful and I think she knows what we can do to wake up Cris."

I nodded. "Good, that'll give Gregg some peace and mind. When are you gunna call her?"

"Right now." She smiled. "Talk to Anna, she can hear you." She walked out of the room and I kissed Anna on the forehead.

"Wake up baby, I need you...." I said and laid my head gently on her stomach. I laid there for what seemed like forever. I felt something touch my hair and when I looked up Annalise was smiling at me. "Baby!" I yelled and kissed her all over her face.

She giggled. "Babe that tickles." I kissed her lips softly and rested my forehead against hers. "Don't ever do that to me ever again..."

"I'm sorry, Jace." She whispered and she kissed my forehead, making me smile.

*four hours later*

*Annalise's POV*

"Jace for the last time, I'm okay!" I growled at my amazing mate. I'm completely healed now but he's still acting as if I'm gunna die any second now.

Jace chuckled. "Too bad, babe. You're my angel I gotta take care of you!" He kissed me quickly and opened the car door for me. I got in and we drove home. "Your mom is never letting you out her sight again." He chuckled.

I groaned. "Great, what about Cris? Has Kirsten come yet?"

Jace nodded. "They are at the pack house now." When we got there and walked in the house I was tackled to the floor by multiple people. Daniel, Julie, Maxine, Richelle, Tommy, Paige, and Derek were on top of me. "Dont kill her guys!" Jace growled.

We laughed and they helped me up. Lilly was crying, her belly looking as if it was going to explode. "My turn!!" I ran to her and carefully hugged her around her belly. "Oh sweetie thank goodness you're alright!!"

"Sweetheart careful, baby's not due for another week. Don't stress yourself!" Derek said with full on concern.

Lilly scoffed. "This baby and mommy is fine. Just missed our Annalise is all." She sniffed.

"Awwhh Lilly!" I cooed and kissed her cheek.

My mother ran downstairs and hugged me so tightly. I buried m face into her hair. "Oh baby, I'm so so sorry!" She was crying and shaking.

"Mom, shhhh, it's okay. I'm okay, see?" I let go and did a twirl, making her laugh.

She then stopped. "You're never leaving the house again!" I groaned and then Sasha and a girl came down. She had the exact same hair as Sasha but was a bit taller and had more meat on her bones. This must be Kirsten.

Sasha hugged me and then backed up. "Anna, this is my sister, Kirsten."

Kirsten smiled, her freckles that were sprinkled across her nose moving along with her smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

I smiled. "Likewise, so is Cris okay?"

They both nodded. "She should wake up in the next hour or so." Sasha said and sighed. "She might not remember what happened though."

Then it hit me and I gasped. "Crap!!!" I looked at Julie and Daniel. "Heiden!!"

"Shit!" Daniel growled. "I forgot about that son of a bitch."

Jace shook his head. "What about him?"

I growled. "I'm still mad at you for keeping secrets from me! But we had him in the trunk of the car."

"He has to be dead now...right?" Julie asked and rubbed her stomach. She winked at me and I laughed while jumping up and down. Everyone was looking at me confused.

"We're pregnant!!" Daniel and Julie said at the same time. All is girls screamed while the guys hollered. We all laughed and everything was good...for now. Now Cris just needs to wake up and I need to find my sister before they get to her or anyone I love ends up dead.

Hope you guys liked this update! So Kirsten, you like being a werewolf/witch and Sasha's sister? More characters coming so watch out;)

Love ya😘

Being Jace's Mate (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon