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*Jace's POV*

Okay I never thought I would be scared of Anna.....ever, but right now she's scaring the living shit out of me. She was pacing slowly while staring at us....like a predator looking at the prey. Her eyes were pitch black and she had this look that was...well, evil.

"Annalise?" Daniel said cautiously. She just kept pacing as if she didn't hear him. "Anna!" He said more loudly, still nothing.

Lajando growled and said lowly. "inferno respirazione demone"

Anna snapped her head towards Lajando and chuckled. "Ciao, cane maschio. Ti piace questo corpo? Io, mai stato dentro una ragazza prima .... ho intenzione di divertirsi un po 'con lui (Hello, dog boy. You like this body? I do, never been inside a girl before....I'm going to have some fun with it)"

Lajando growled loudly. "You will NOT harm that girl, demon!!"

Harm her?? What the fuck?? "Hey demon!" I spat and walked a bit closer. Annalise looked at me slowly. "Get out of my mate before I make you beg for death!" I threatened.

The demon laughed sinisterly. "I like you. I know what she's thinking you know, I see her mind." Anna walked closer to me painfully slow. "Do you want to know what she's thinking?" She started to glare at me. "She's wondering how she ended up with you as a mate. She doesn't love you, you know. She despises you!"

My wolf was begging to come out but I knew I would hurt Anna, the real Anna. "Don't listen to it, Jace. Demons are born to lie!" Lajando spat. "What is your real* name, demon? So I can send you back to hell!"

Anna now looked pissed and then she ran full speed into the wall. I heard a nasty crack and saw that her shoulder was dislocated. "How about I just ruin this pretty little body for a while instead."

I growled along with Daniel. "You hurt her and it'll be the last thing you do you son of a bitch!"

Anna chuckled. "My mother was many things and a bitch is putting it nicely." Soon Sasha came running in with an elderly man. "Well hello, join the party!" The man started speaking in Latin and Sasha was doing something with her hands. Anna took a step back as if she was pushed. "Stop that old man!" She yelled and pushed her hands out. The elderly man went flying and went straight into Daniel, making them fall. She then turned to Sasha. "Bitch, no one likes you. No one has ever liked you! I bet you don't even have a mate! Poor Sashi, all alone in the world." Anna snickered.

Sasha's hair started whipping around and looked even more red. She started saying things while moving her hand. Anna fell to the floor and started screaming an ear piercing scream. "Tell me your name!" Sasha hissed.

Anna's head whipped back. "Fuck you, whore." She then screamed as her body did things it wasn't suppose to. My wolf was crying and I was trying not to.

"YOUR NAME DEMON!" Sasha's voice boomed.

Anna screamed. "MALPHAS!!"

Sasha gasped and looked frightened. "MALPHAS I SEND YOU BACK TO HELL YOU MOTHER-" Anna screamed loudly and floated in the air only to fall back down.

I ran to her and pulled her head in my lap. "Anna? Baby can you hear me?" I brushed hair from her face and noticed her shoulder was still dislocated. While she was knocked out I set it back right and placed her on the bed. I walked out and into Lajando's office. "Alright, what the fucks going on?! Who's Malphas?!"

Sasha sighed as she took a big gulp of something that smelled like liquor. "Malphas is a high ranking nasty demon. He's basically like a prince in hell. He can destroy the enemies' desires or thoughts and all what they have done, gives good familiars, and can bring quickly artificers together from all places of the world. Anyone who conjures him usually gets betrayed by him. He can turn into a crow or a human if asked to. He also rises from the vanity of mankind, his corruption plagues those he touches and he render the conjurer mentally insane in forms of madness, dementia, hallucinations, mighty illusions, these are just a few of the tricks Malphas has up his sleeve. Hopefully he hasn't done anything to Anna mentally.

I snorted. "Hopefully? Just great. So why would a Seeker conjure up a fucking prince demon and place him inside of Annalise?!"

"I have no idea...." She said and took another big gulp. "That's what I'm going to have to find out."

"And I and my pack will help." Lajando said and smiled.

I nodded and walked back into Anna's room. I kissed her forehead and sat next to her. Soon her eyes opened and I smiled at the sight of her normal beautiful eyes. "Babe you scared me. Are you okay?" She gave me a confused look. "Annalise?"

Anna sat up slowly and shook her head. "Who's Annalise? And....who are you?"

DUN DUN DUUNNNNNN!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA soooooooooooo did u guys like it?!?????! Cuz if I do say so tale fit was prrrrrretty awesome!!!! Anywhore, update soon soon!

Love ya😘

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