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I've been cooped up in my room for three days. I wouldn't let anyone see me or talk to me. My mom would leave food by my door and when I thought no one was around id hurry, bring it in, and lock my door. Ella keeps crying for her mate and then I start to literally cry. Why did this have to happen to me? A knock came at my door. "Open the door Anna...." Jace said thickly and it sounded as if he was crying.
"Go away, J-Jace." I cried and balled myself with my blankets. All of the sudden my door busted open and Jace came flying and fell on the floor. "Jace oh my God are you okay?" I ran and helped him up. Wait what the hell?! I pushed him away from me. "Why did you do that?!"
Jace sighed. "Sit, my love, we need to talk."

*Jace's POV*
Three days. Three fucking days it's been since I saw my angel. Her mother wouldn't even let me through the front door. I growled and started punching walls in my room. Why won't she just fucking let me explain?!?! I met Brooke while I was in school!! We only dated for a few months until I ended it. She was too clingy and frankly, a skank. Everyone was mad at me until I told them and they've been trying to talk to Anna but she won't talk to anyone.
"Jace?" My mother came through the door and into my room. She saw the state I was in and sighed. "Awe baby, you okay?"
I snorted. "Sure mom, I'm just freaking peachy." I yanked at my hair. "She needs to know that Brooke kissed me* mom!! Before I could push her off, Annalise walked in. I would never intentionally hurt her I love her!!" I felt tears flood my vision.
My mother hugged my tightly. "I know, sweetie, trust me I know. This happened with your father a long time ago." I gave her a confused look and she chuckled. "When I first met your father I was seventeen and he was twenty three. We were madly in love as soon as we found out we were mates. Well, one day, I caught him macking on another girl." I couldn't help but laugh that my mother just said macking. "I was so heart broken I punched him in the face and ran away-"
"Whoa, my mom was a bad ass!!"
Mom laughed. "Language boy, anyways, I wouldn't speak to him for days until he broke my door down and forced me to listen to him." I saw the twinkle in her eye and I knew where she was going at.
"Thanks mom." I kissed her cheek and ran all the way to my love. I got to the front door and knocked. Anna's mom opened but before she could say anything I held up my hands. "I'm talking to her....I didn't betray her."
She stared at me for a moment and then opened the door for me to come in. I kissed her cheek and ran up stairs. My heart broke when I heard my beautiful mate crying. I knocked on the door. door. "Open the door Anna...." I said thickly didn't notice I was crying.
"Go away, J-Jace." She cried and I sighed. With my every bit of my strength I ran staright into the door. It busted open and I went flying and fell on the floor. "Jace oh my God are you okay?" She yelled and ran and helped me up. She then pushed me away from her and I whimpered. "Why did you do that?!" She looked hurt and angry.
I sighed. "Sit, my love, we need to talk." Anna sighed and sat down. She had bags under her eyes and her face was all puffy from crying. Damn myself to hell for doing this to her. "Anna, Angel, you know for a fact that I absolutely love you and only you. I use to date Brooke-" Anna growled and I bit down a smile. "It was a long time ago, baby. I didn't even know she was here until I saw her in our room. She kissed me and before I could push her off you came in." She gave me a confused look. I sat next to her and kissed her hand. "Think about it, we're fully mate, if I was cheating on you you would have felt it."
Anna was deep on thought and then she said slowly. "You didn't cheat." I shook my head and she broke out into a smile that made my heart soar. Annalise hugged me tightly and I sniffed into her hair. She then pushed away. I gave her a hurt look. "I haven't showered in three days! I stink babe!" I howled in happiness when she called me babe.
I laughed and kissed her so passionately and hungrily. "Well we're gunna have to do something about that huh?" I picked her up bridal style and she squealed an giggled. Time to show my angel just how much I love her....;)!

*Annalise's POV*

After a lovely and amazing time in the shower, Jace and I were in the kitchen cooking cuz I was
S T A R V I N G!! We cooked pancakes with bacon and eggs. We snuggled together on the couch an ate while watching some movie. When I found out Jace didn't cheat I was so freaking happy. Now I just have to teach Brooke a little lesson. I smirked to myself and then thought, I'm becoming a little evil. A little ding ding was going off in my head but it too far back to pay attention to. I was too happy at the moment.
"Babe the movie's over, why are you still crying? Was it that sad?" No people, I'm not the one crying, Jace is!!
He sniffed. "It was awful!! He had to put down his own dog that he had since it was a puppy!!"
I giggled and cooed. "See my baby is such a Teddi bear!!"
"Shut up!" He pouted and I pulled him so that he was on top of me. He started nipping at my neck am it really tickled. I giggled and kissed the outline of his jaw.
Someone cleared their throats and I craned my head up and saw Tommy looking extremely uncomfortable. "Oh!" I pushed Jace off me and he growled. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked to Tommy. "Whats up big man?"
Tommy scrunched his nose. "One, ew, and two, Lilly is having her baby! She's the hospital!"
I screamed. "OH MY OH MY!!!" I pulled Jace and Tommy out the door. "Let's go!!!!!"
When we got there, Alpha Max, Luna, Maxine, Richelle, Libby, and my mom were there. I hugged them all. Soon Derek came in and was breathing hard. "She's calling for mom and Anna." Both Luna Lidia and I ran and followed Derek. We got into the room where Lilly was screaming and her face was all red.
"Mom!! Anna!! Thank God! I can't handle being in the room with just him!" She growled and glared at Derek.
I rose my eye brows an looked at him. "What did you do?"
Derek looked extremely scared. "I don't even know!"
I ran to one side and Lidia walked to the other. The doctor was between Lilly's legs. "Okay Lilly, in a few minutes we're gunna have you push okay?"
A contraction came and Lilly screamed. "JUST GET IT OUT!!"
I grabbed a cloth and patted her forehead. "Breathe, Lil." I breathed slowly with her and she was gripping Lidia's hand for dear life.
"Okay Lilly, push.....now!" Lilly pushed for ten seconds and then stopped. "Good Lilly very good. Another one okay? One, two....three!" She pushed again. "Oh I see the head!!!!"
Derek did the mistake of looking. He gasped and then fell to the floor. "Did that boy just faint?!?!" Lidia gasped and Lilly looked concerned. "He's fine sweetie just a big girl."
"One more push Lilly okay? Annndddd.....PUSH!!!" She pushed one more time and she screamed so loudly it woke Derek up. He looked down again and fainted.....again! Soon the room was filled with crying. "It's.....a baby girl!"
Lilly started crying. She let Lidia cut the the umbilical cord and they wrapped baby Lexi in a pink blanket. I smacked Derek's chest hard. "Get up and go see your daughter!" He shot up and ran to Lilly's side. He had such a proud and happy smile on his face it was amazing.
Soon everyone got to see baby Lexi and then we let them have mommy daddy time. Jace and I went pack to the pack house and into our room. "God Lexi is so cute I have the cutest niece ever." Jace said and chuckled. "I can't wait to have a baby with you." He whispered in my ear and I shivered.
I tilted my head and kissed him softly. "I love you so much." I said with a smile.
Jace did as well and nibbled on my bottom lip. "I love you to the moon and back, Angel."


SIKKKEEEEEEE!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA sorry i just had to!!! Of course I wasn't gunna end Anna and Jace's relationship pshhhh I'm crazy but I ain't that*** crazy!! Anywhore, yay baby Lexi!!!
Love ya😘

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