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Chris finally woke up around 6:30 tonight, Gregg kept kissing her and she kept getting mad. They wont be leaving the room for a long freaking time. Alpha Max convinced me that we should wait to find my sister. I reluctantly agreed. Sasha and Kirsten went to have sister bonding time while the rest of us decided to have dinner together. We were all sitting at the longest table ever. Jace, me, Alpha Max, Luna Lidia, my mother, Beta Scott, Libby, Derek, Lilly plus one, Tommy, Paige, Daniel, Julie plus one, Gregg's little sister Lucy,Maxine, and Richelle.
"So, Lucy, Tommy, Paige, how is school?" Luna Lidia asked with a smile.
They all shrugged. "School." Lucy said and looked at her plate.
"Tell them, Luc!" Paige yelled.
Lucy glared at her. "Drop it, Paige!" She growled.
Alpha Max's eyebrows rose up slightly. "Lucy?"
She looked down and Tommy sighed. "Girls at school keep picking on her, pushes her around and stuff."
Everyone gasped. "Is that true?" I asked and Lucy nodded. "Who are these girls?"
"Just forget it!" Lucy whined.
Maxine growled. "Screw that, tell us right now!"
Lucy sighed. "These girls bailie and Hannah. But Erin is the one who stands up for me, besides Paige and Tommy."
Lilly growled and slapped the table. "How dare they bully you! They need to pay!"
"Easy, sweet heart." Derek said and rubbed her back.
"Hmm....." Julie said and gave us an evil smile. "I say we drive them to school tomorrow and have a little chat with the witches huh?"
I let out an evil laugh while Maxine nodded. "Hell yeah, we'll get Cris too! The trio back in action plus one!" We laughed.
"And what action are we speaking of?" My mother asked and crossed her arms.
My eyes bugged out of my head. "Yeah, what action?" Luna Lidia said and mirrored my mother's look.
"Uhh....." Maxine and I said at the same time. "N-nothing." We all laughed. After dinner we all cleaned our our plates. Alpha Max and Beta Scott went into his office and Daniel and Jace followed.
I sighed and sat next to Lucy on the couch. "Don't worry, there are always gunna be people that try to bring you down. But it's up to you if to allow them."
She nodded. "I'm just constantly reminded that I don't have a family and that my mate will probably reject me."
"Now you listen to me missy! You have a brother who loves you and you have all of us who love you! Also, your mate is going to love you and care for you!" I said and place my hand on her shoulder.
Lucy started to tear up. "I tried telling Gregg about the girls but he was too worried about Cris and that's okay, I love her like a sister."
I shook my head. "Still doesn't make you second class citizen, Luc."
She smiled and gave me a hug which I gladly returned.
I walked upstairs and knocked on the door Gregg and Cris were in. "Busy!" Gregg growled.
"Open the damn door now!!" I growled loudly. A few mumbles and then the door opened. Gregg was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and Cris was under the blanket. I barged in, fuming.
"What the hell Anna?!"
"Shut up and sit." I said lowly which kind of scared me. Gregg obediently sat next to Cris. I closed the door and stood in front of them. "Now, I understand you've been crazy with what's been going on with Cris, oh by the way so happy you are back bestie." She smiled and nodded. "Anyways, Gregg, that doesn't give you the right to treat your sister like she's nothing!!" I yelled.
Gregg looked at me confused. "W-what I....I haven't?!"
I narrowed my eyes. "Did you know that Lucy is being bullied at school?"
Cris gasped. "What?!" She hit Gregg very hard on the chest.
Gregg yelped. "I-I-I didn't know I swear!"
I nodded. "Yeah, she kept trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen! I suggest you go downstairs and talk to her."
He nodded and put on a shirt. "Thanks, Anna." He kissed my forehead and walked out.
"I can't believe someone would bully that beautiful sweet girl!"
I nodded and sat next to her. "Yeah, we're gunna confront them tomorrow morning, care to join?"
Cris laughed. "Are you kidding? I've been knocked out for forever, I'm in dire need of some action!" We laughed and chatted for a bit until she decided to shower.
I entered Jace's and I's room. I sighed and plopped on the bed on my stomach. I stared at the wall for forever and I started drifting off to sleep. *ZzzzzzZzzz* "Baby?" I heard and felt a kiss being placed between my shoulder blades.
I opened my eyes and turned over to see Jace hovering above me. I smiled and brought his face closer. "Hi." I kissed him softly which of course turned heated. "I love you so much!" I said against his lips and then went down to kiss his mark.
Jace shivered. "I love you too, Angel." We kissed for a long time and then I involuntarily yawned. Jace chuckled. "Wow, I seriously did not see that coming!"
I laughed. "Sorry baby, just really tired for some reason!"
Jace took his shirt off and put us both under he covers. He then pulled me close and kissed the back of my neck. "Sleep baby." And with that I drifted off asleep.

Sorry about the short sucky update guys! I was at my dads this weekend and had some quality time with the baby sis and fam! Plus had some college hw to do 😑🔫 Anywhore, I'll try to update sometime tomorrow okay??

3 new characters! Bailie, Hannah and Erin with dark red hair:)
Love ya😘

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