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Next morning Julie, Maxine, Cris, and I dressed in sweat pants and t shirts with sneakers. We were all in Gregg's huge SUV driving to the school. Tommy looked excited, too excited. "Yo Tommy, settle yo weird ass down!" Cris yelled while turning into the school.

Lucy looked beyond nervous. "Don't worry, this is gunna be fun!" Maxine said and Julie laughed while giving me a high five. We all got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.

Lucy smiled and pointed to a girl that was talking to another buy the wall. She had dark red hair that was flowy and the closer we got I noticed she had pretty green eyes. "Hey Erin!"

Erin smiled and shifted her backpack to the other side. "Hey girl, who are they?" She asked politely.


"We're family." Julie said and all of us smiled and nodded.

Erin smiled again. "Oh cool, nice to meet you guys." She looked behind us and grunted. "Great, dumb and dumber at one O' clock." We all turned around to see two girls that just screamed 'BITCH'. One had short blonde hair and needed more cloth covering up her body. The other girl had brown hair and a pointy nose. They weren't ugly but just looked evil.

Maxine snorted as they walked passed us. They turned around and the blonde one smirked. "You got something to say, bitch?"

Max laughed. "Nothin you haven't heard of, slut."

The blonde glared and then set her eyes on Lucy. "Oh I see!!!" She clasped her hands together. "Little miss orphan here hired a bunch of pathetic bitches to protect her!" The brown haired snickered.

"Shut up, Hannah, you and your follower over here can get over yourselves!" Erin spat and crossed her arms.

"I'm not a follower!!!"

Erin snorted. "Sure Bailie, you live between Hannah's ass cheek."

Paige busted out laughing and I joined her. Hannah glared at me. "Whatever, stupid bitch should just kill herself, no one likes her anyways."

Then all I saw was red. I grabbed Hannah by the throat and lifted her off the ground. "Listen you pathetic pup, in case you haven't noticed I'm mated to the future Alpha and will be the future Luna. If I ever hear you're bullying ANYONE I WILL PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS AND MAKE YOU THE EFFING OMEGA!!!!! GOT IT?!?!" I yelled and everything got quiet except Hannah's attempt to breathe.

"Whoa, down girl." Erin chuckled and slowly pried my hand from the bitch's neck.

Hannah fell to the floor and gasped for air. Bailie helped her up and then glared at me. "Psycho!"

"Oh sweetie...." Julie said and cocked her head.

Cris finished her sentence. "Yall haven't seen nothin yet!" She growled loudly and they both cringed and ran inside the school. All of a sudden everyone around us started clapping and cheering.

Tommy was on the floor rolling. "Oh my God that was priceless!!" He wiped a tear from his eyes. Paige punched him hard in the gut and told him to shut up.

Lucy giggled. "Thanks guys."

Cris smiled. "No need little sis, we're gunna have to teach you some good fighting skills."

"Great!!" Lucy's eyes brightened. The bell rang. "See you guys later." They all waved and walked into the school.

Maxine sighed happily. "Job well done ladies."

"Yeah, especially when Anna went all hulk." Julie said and laughed. "I thought I was the crazy one, not just cuz I'm pregnant." We all laughed and drove back home.

We decided that later we'll go to the mall and do some shopping. I opened the door to my room and saw Jace......sucking face with another girl. I thought my heart was ripped out of my chest and shoved inside a blender.

He saw me and pushed the girl away. "Anna! Shit...u-ummm this isn't what it looks like I-I swear!!!"

The girl smirked at me and looked at Jace. "Baby-"

"Don't call me that, Brooke!" Jace growled and ran to me. "Anna I swear it isn't what you think please-"

I shook my head and walked to the girl. "You have about 10 seconds the get the hell out."

Brooke the slut smirked and stood up. She was taller than me and had long blonde hair. "Or what bitch? Mad cuz Jacey likes it when I get all we-" I grabbed her by the hair ad slammed her head against the wall, knocking her out cold.

Jace stood there shocked and then looked at me with sad eyes. "I swear baby, please let me explain?"

He tried walking to me but I stepped back. "No" I ran past him and back downstairs to see Gregg sitting with Cris and Daniel joking around with Julie.

Julie saw me and gasped. "Anna what's wrong?!"

Jace ran downstairs and I growled, feeling tears fall down. "Ask him!" I hid behind Daniel.

"Annalise you know me!!"

I growled again and shook my head. "Get that fucking slut out of our room NOW!!!!" I screamed.

Everything was silent and Daniel started fuming. "What the hell is she talking about, Jace?!"

Jace tried walking to me but Daniel blocked him. "Move, Daniel!"

"Naw dude, what the hell did you do to get Anna so upset she used the F word?!"

As if on Que. Brooke the stupid slut stumbled downstairs holding on to her head and glaring at me. Gregg looked at her bug eyed. "What. The fuck."

I growled loudly and Ella was begging me to let her take control. "Anna sweetie calm down." Julie said and started running my back.

"God asshole that really hurt!!" Brooke whined while shooting daggers my way and then leaned into Jace. "Punish her babe, for hurting your future Luna." I rose my eyebrows, looked at Julie, looked at Cris, and then flung myself at the bitch. Everything happened so fast I didn't even really notice Ella taking control. Ella cocked my head to the side and straddled Brooke while squeezing her neck at tight as I could.

She passed out, again, and I was almost done ending her when I felt someone pick me up off her. Of course the person who did was the one I thought cared about me more than anything. I looked at Jace and couldn't stop the tears flowing. "Anna....." He sighed.

I shook my head and growled. "Fuck you!!" Jace stepped back as if I slapped him. Pain written all over his face. "I hate you so much right now! You make me sick!!! If I EVER see her again I will fucking rip her throat out in front you, and that's a promise!" I walked into Gregg who was holding his arms out. "T-take me h-h-h-home please...." Gregg nodded and steered me towards the door and I tried blocking out Jace screaming my name an things flying.

Gregg dropped me back off home and I walked into the door. Mom was on the phone with someone. She took one look at my face and sighed. "Lidia, I'm gunna have to call you back. It seems your son did something stupid." She hung up and I started balling my eyes out. Mom smacked her teeth. "Awe baby come here." My mother held on toe as I cried over the man I thought would never betray me.....

I know I know, depressing. Sorry it's not as good as it can be. Anywhore, update soon maybe I think idkk. Thanks to the ppl who commented saying he's not worth my tears and I deserve better❤️

Love you guys😘

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