Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Holding his broken arm and waiting rather impatiently, for the women who had waited to help with the healing to see to him, Corey saw Camdyn enter the hall with a clang. He was towing Aislinn behind him, and she was barely able to keep up with his long strides as he practically dragged her across the main hall. He stopped briefly at the men who called out to him, seeking his approval and attention like snivelling children from their mother. Cam wasn’t that great if he had managed to get a swing in, and make him bleed.

His tempered simmered on heat as he saw Camdyn steal Isla away from the men as well. He didn’t know if Aislinn was any good with war wounds, but just her presence could have distracted the men from their pain. Well, he didn’t really care about the others, his own pain had certainly taken up residence at the back of his mind so he could focus upon her. Now, thought, Cam is taking away one of the most knowledgeable healers of the clan, Isla had taught his mother to heal. And the men around them just smiled and waved them off as if they were leaving noon meal in order to go for a stroll.

Hamish took one look at Corey’s face and knew there would be trouble. The last time this happened a part of Hamish had died. The bits that remained behind had become hardened like the tempered steel of his claymore. He hadn’t been injured in the mock battle. But he always liked to be around to see if he could be of use, he didn’t mind getting his hands dirty fetching and carrying. Although with his considerable strength he was usually called on to hold his men down as they were treated, to help them to stay still. It was just pure luck he hadn’t been had to move yet that he saw Corey, and know he knew…he would have to tell the full story to Camdyn. Because he was not having Corey destroy part of Cam as he had done him.

Looking over to Aislinn, her face glowed at the attention the men were giving her as Cam talked with Isla. He could tell most of it was embarrassment, she was a sweet girl, and would be perfect for Cam, just what he needed to temper his, well, temper. The other part he could tell was a pride at being asked for affection by these gruff Highlanders, and he could tell she knew they only asked that of the people who mattered. She was already becoming an important part of this clan. He would not let Corey hurt Aislinn, damage Camdyn or rip apart this clan again. The only difference, last time people did not know it was Corey, this time he would tell anyone and damn the consequence, he swore to protect this clan, and he would do till his dying breath.

Aislinn tried to stay as close to Camdyn as possible, but the men kept calling out to her. Making jokes about how they didn’t need to think of the pain if they could look at her instead. Some, she could tell, were looking for support in the way that would not break down their ego. Chatting to them was how she could distract them, and she tried to help however she could. Camdyn was doing the same, only adding slaps to the back along the way.

Turning back to him, she saw Camdyn had picked up Isla’s basket of health, and was reaching for her hand again. Without a thought she took it and was again was in motion. Only this time Isla was coming along too. Isla directed orders to a few women to have some things sent up for them, but Aislinn was too busy trying not to trip over her own feet to pay too much attention to what she had ordered.

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