Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Aislinn had listened in awe to the story told by this woman with such a strong inner self. To stand as an emblem of a time long gone and still able to know her place and pass on the importance of her role to the next gerneration. Or were they her generation? She was slightly confused over that situation.

Turning her face up to Cam’s, she took a fortifying breath. She knew she had to come out with this, he may have said he had acceppted her gift, but this would test that theory. “Cam. When we were in the clearing and you thought I had collapsed.” She flicked her eyes to Hamish and Gilbarta. Hamish was trying to show he was not at all interested, while leaning in there direction. Gilbarta on the other hand was unashamadly listening in on the conversation.

“I had a vision. Only it was different to any other ones I have had before. With what Gilbarta has just said, I wonder if it was because your mother had a similar gift. We could interact, at a certain level. There was such love visable in between your parents. And they did not want to give you up at all. There was such pain at what thye had to do. But they hoped. Hoped so much that you would be who they wanted you to be. Your own person.

I didn’t get to see how you managed to get here. But I saw the aftermath. The grief and anguish so thick in the air. None of the parents wanted to give up their children. They could see no other way. The betrayel they must have felt when they realised the truth would have ripped out the hearts of those already battered and bruised.

Your parents were so strong. Your mother oculd not see your future, but seeing me she was convinced they had made the right choice. It may not be one they could ever reconcile with, but they are so proud of who you have become. You are your father Cam, you look so much like him, with tiny hints of your mother. Your mother would like you to know of their love for you, and how they would think of you everyday of their lives. And you obviously have good choice for you have managed to find a wonderful woman.” At that everyone within the cottage smiled, except Cam. He looked down a tht ewoman in his arms and knew, whoever his mother was, he was forever grateful for the choice she made. For he would never have found Aislinn if history had not happened as it had done.

He took no heed to the others in the room, he leant down and kissed her in a the softest stroke of his lips to hers. A connection he would never take forgranted. He could not blame his parents for staying together, not if they felt for each other what he felt for Aislinn.

Smiling up at the man who had stolen her heart, she knew she needed to make sure he understood both his parents had loved him. “Your father, he was so strong, he was not afraid to show his emotion to your mother. He did not want to give you up. But he wished you to know, he still expects you to follow his principles. And if you haven’t so far, then it was no excuse not to known.” Cam smiled at that, and her heart gave a squeeze. “You have to follow and be true to yourself. If others around you want to go in one direction and you feel it should be different. Make sure you follow what you believe. The only person who gets to judge you and mean something is the woman you decide to spend the rest of you life with. For she will support you in any decision you make. But she also has the right to argue any point with you as well.

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