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Havick - Live This One


The newbies woke up early the next morning excited to learn new techniques. It was a bit of a shock for the other four women that they had all woken up before them. It was also a bit startling to Ian who walked passed the tired green eyed woman and almost got punched in the face by her.

"Easy!" Ian exclaimed dodging the raven haired woman's jab.

Lauren rubbed her eyes, "Ian. Sorry that was a reaction. You guys are up early." She yawned.

"Yeah, we wanted to get an early start on training." Lucy said happily.

"I'll wake Ally so they can practice getting some fish or something." Camila said tired.

"Ally is already awake and ready to go!" Allyson said emerging from behind the abandoned home fixing her hat.

"What where you doing back there?" Camila asked.

"Handling business. We don't exactly have a bathroom you know."

"Do you want us to help out, Ally?" Lauren asked.

"Nope, I can handle it. Camila, will you be joining us today or would you rather get a few more lessons in with Lauren?" The short woman winked.

"No, I'll pass. It's too early to get breakfast."

Ally nodded and ran off with the others into the woods. Lauren grabbed a canteen and took a sip out of it before handing it to Camila. Not long after, Dinah and Normani woke up, tired eyes and yawning.

"Alright, newbies, let's go!" Dinah yelled as she clapped her hands.

"Di-Dinah!" Lauren chuckled getting the Polynesians attention, "They're already gone."

Dinah furrowed her eye brows in confusion, "Really? Damn they're eager. Hey, Mila, aren't you part of that group?"

"Yeah, I wasn't really feeling up to it today." The brunette answered.

"Are you sick?" Normani asked walking over and placing her hand on Camila's forehead.

"No, I just didn't want to go today."

"Staying up late isn't a good idea now is it?" Dinah said.

Camila chuckled lightly, "I didn't get much sleep." She admitted.

"You didn't?" Lauren asked looking over at the second Floridian. "I could've sworn I fell asleep a bit after you did."

"I just pretended because I knew you would have stayed up with me trying to get me to sleep."

"Did you have a nightmare?" Normani asked.

"No, I just, " she paused briefly. "had a lot on my mind. Well nothing really. I was just trying to remember something, but nothing was coming back."

"We really are sorry about that. I wish we could take that night back." Dinah apologized once more.

"I don't. If you hadn't done that then I wouldn't have met you all." Camila smiled to each girl and turning to Lauren before taking her hand.

"Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't wish that away either. Because without you, we might not have Lauren today." Normani added.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Lauren asked slightly offended.

Normani shrugged, "A few weeks ago we couldn't get you to drink water without constantly pushing you to and Camila comes around giving you water and you take it in a heartbeat."

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