Ch.19 Solar eclipse

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By nighttime, the friends left the fair and decided to drop by Ethan's house.

"Well that was fun" Dawn smiled as they stood near their cars.

"Well I'm scarred for life" Tyler frowned.

"Hey, at least you faced your fears, and you didn't even piss your pants."

"That's because I was holding it until the end."

"But at least you did it, so how do you feel?"

"Not better."

"Well this make you better?" Ivy asked as she rubbed her panda doll against his face.

Tyler gave a chuckle "Damn that thing's fluffy. Can I have it?"


"I could've won that" Ethan sighed.

"You know I gotta say" Raven said "I haven't had that much fun in a long time, I'm glad I went to the fair."

"Well I'm glad I got to spend it with you" Cameron smiled as she smiled back in a flirty way.

"Oooo" everyone teased.

"If only April didn't show up" Raven said "I had to look over my shoulder multiple times to make sure she didn't cast any black magic."

All of a sudden a barking was heard, everyone turned and saw a German Sheppard dog on the sidewalk barking at them.

"Oh God" Tyler said with his eyes widen "It's Ms. Howell's dog."

The dog then started to run towards them.

"Take cover!" Tyler yelled as he shield his face with his arms.

But when the dog didn't attack, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see Dawn petting the dog.

"He just wants to play" she said.

"What the?" Ethan said surprised "How did you...?"

"I'm part wolf remember? Meaning that I can communicate with wolves and dogs, and this dog just wants to play."

"Well can you just throw a stick away and he'll go fetch it so he can leave us alone?" Tyler asked.

Dawn rolled her eyes as she picked up a stick and waved it in front of the dog.

"You want the stick?" she asked the dog in a nice pet voice as the dog wagged it's tail "Go get it!"

She threw the stick as the dog went after it.

"That should hold him" she said.

"So uh" Raven said "I guess we should get going."

"Oh, right" Cameron said.

"So I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow then" Ivy said.

"Yeah" Ethan said "And don't forget about going to the library tomorrow."

"I know" she smiled as she rubbed her panda against his face.

"Stop" he chuckled.

"Well goodnight guys" Raven smiled.

"Night" the guys said as the girls got into the car and drove off.

"Well fellas" Tyler grinned "Pretty soon we should be out of the friend zone."

Just then Ms. Howell's dog started to bark at them again.

"Oh God" Cameron said with his eyes widen "He's back."

"Inside now!" Ethan yelled as they ran inside the house.

The next day after school, everyone went to Twilight Hall where Ivy and Ethan went to the library.

"Okay" Ivy said "Look for anything about vampires, or Para, or something."

They started to look, but they couldn't find anything.

"Okay I'm gonna go up" Ivy said as she flew up to the tallest shelf.

"It must be fun to fly" Ethan said as he looked up.

Ivy then started to look through the books.

"Hey I found something" she said as she flew down and showed him a book.

"History of Para Montana" Ethan read the title.

Ivy opened the book and started to read.

"Para Montana was once named Paranoia due to the mysteries of supernatural happenings" she read "In 1885, supernatural monsters such as vampires, werewolves and witches invaded the town and caused terror to the people. Over 200 people were killed in the attack until the next night after a solar eclipse, monster hunters were able to destroy most of the monsters, but some managed to flee and were never heard from again. After the attack the town was renamed to Para and the supernatural happenings never happened again."

"Well the ending's a lie" Ethan said.

"So this eclipse" Ivy said "Alex said that there was going to be a solar eclipse soon, and that's when he's get the Animarum."

"When is the eclipse?"

"Um..." she said as she looked it up on her phone "It's happening in 2 minutes!"

"What?" he gasped.

"Alex said he and the other vampires were going to the cemetery, we need to go there now!"

"How are we gonna get there in time?"

"With my speed" she smirked.


"Come on" she said as they went outside "Okay grab on" she held out her hand.

"Are you gonna use your vampire speed?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fun, now grab on."

Ethan took hold of her hand.

"Hang on tight" she said as she used her vampire speed to run all the the way to the town's cemetery.

"Whoa that was fast" Ethan gasped.

"Get down" Ivy whispered as she pulled him down behind a bush.

They looked and saw Alex and the other vampires at the mausoleum waiting for the eclipse.

"When's the eclipse?" Ethan whispered.

Ivy looked into the sky "I think now."

He looked up and watched as the solar eclipse happened, as soon as the moon was in front of the sun, a ray of light shown down near the mausoleum and onto the ground.

"Now, dig!" Alex ordered as the vampires started to dig up the dirt.

They continued to dig until they pulled out a box.

"That must be the Animarum" Ivy whispered.

"Excellent" Alex said with a sneaky smile as he took the Gothic looking box "Now I can have my revenge."

"Did he just say revenge?" Ethan whispered.

"Yeah" Ivy whispered "We gotta tell the rest about this."


Now in Raven's lair, Cameron continued to look at Raven's stuff until he came upon something in a jar.

"Hey what's this stuff?" he asked her as he picked up the jar.

"Dogs tongue" she said as he quickly put the jar back on the shelf.

"Okay then" he said "What other magical stuff do you have?"

"Well why don't you hand me those stack of papers up there and I'll show you some magic."

So he went to a shelf where he saw the paper on the top, he tried to reach for it but it was too high up. But he suddenly felt himself rising to the top as he grabbed the papers. But realizing what was happening, he looked down to see that he was standing on a flying carpet.

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