CHAPTER 3 "My stroke"

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As I walk in I see the last person I want to see. Is it to late turn around? Aries looks up, CRAP. And the only seat left is right next to him. Crap.

Why do I have a feeling that he planned it like that? He smirks,ugh stupid hot vampire ,did I just think that? Ewww. Why am I still standing here staring at him?

I slowly walk toward the seat of doom, Aries is staring. I sit down and try to ignore him(fail).

"We have to stop meeting like this"a all to familiar rugged voice says.

"Gladly" I say annoyed at myself for liking him UGH.

"What, do you not like me?"he faked innocence.

Sadly the opposite, then I smirked, I feel a evil plan coming on.

I look him dead in the eyes batted my lashes, smiled sweetly, and pull myself closer to him. I grab the collar of his leather jacket and put our faces centimeters apart. "To tell you the truth..............I like you a lot" I pull closer til I almost brush my lips on his.

He stared at my lips,part of me wanted to kiss him really bad but the other half wants to do this.

I abruptly pulled away and acted like nothing happened, I could see the shock on his face out of the corner of my eye. I have to bite my lip to keep from bursting out in laughter. I still laugh I can't help it.

He looks at me and smiles a real smile, my jaw almost hits the floor. Dang, he's hot when he smiles. After I pick up my jaw, I try to focus on the lesson.

Til a ball of paper hits me in the head. I glare at Aries,and mouth 'really' he nods and mouths 'read it'.

I really want to throw this paper at his stupid head. But I read it (lucky for him)and it says 'Could we talk after school?'. I nod my head yes, why? You may ask, I don't know,maybe a stroke. It was probably heat stroke from all the blushing.


It's after school and I'm at my locker putting books in my bag. Clover had to leave, and I'm walking home it's not that far, I'm just lazy in the morning.

I close my locker and see Aries standing there, I almost punch him on instinct, but I hold my fist.

"You ready?" he asks like we are old friends.

"Yep,so where are we going unless you want to talk here?"

"Do you have a ride?" "No, but I don't see how that's your concern."I say skeptical.

"Well,now you do" he looks at me almost challenging me to say no.

"Thanks"I say slowly.

We start to head for whatever it is he drives.

We reach a jeep and he says "Here we are my pride and joy"

"Nice"I say getting in.

We start to drive and he gets right to the point "What are you?"


He looks at me and says "Witch"

I shake my head.


I frown.



He looks shocked. "Well, what did you expect a pixi" I say sarcastically.

"No, I didn't peg you as the werewolf girl"

"That's the point" I say you would think he could smell dog,or the wolf blood in me. I guess that stuff my parents make the pack drink really does work. It conceals the wolf in us so we can go undetected(it taste like crap).

"Why didn't you kill me ?"Aries asks after a minute of silence.

I wish I knew "Camras and I'm sure the school wouldn't like bits of vampire everywhere"I say making a excuse.

He gulps,and I giggle. "Turn left" I tell him the way to my house.

We stop a block from my house,and he looks at me.

"What?"I ask.

"Nothing I just assume your parents are werewolves and I don't feel like being eaten".

I laugh "Trust me we won't eat you, you smell to bad and taste worse than you smell".

"That's offensive" He quirks a brow.

"Thanks for the ride. Oh, and tell anyone what I am I'll hunt you down and kill you" I say sweetly getting out of his jeep.

"I don't think your alpha would approve"he says with a smirk.

"I am the Alpha" I say with a cocky wink before I slam the door and walk away.

Thanks for reading, mind The grammar and spelling please. :) Comment and vote. Thanks,hope you liked it.

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