CHAPTER 6 "Best Friends"

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I wake up to the smell of my favorite food bacon. I jump out of bed and run down stairs(you know the dog from the bacon treat commercial, it's like that). I see a bed head Coda cooking bacon, I just smile.

"Morning buttercup,your parents had to go to work early" Coda says with a big smile.

"Okay, what time is it?"I ask.

"It's about six"Coda says.

Okay turns out that bacon is a great alarm clock, I'm never up and awake this early.

I see a plate full of bacon and say "What are you eating? Because that's not feeding both of us"

"Relax I already ate"Coda says putting the plate on the table.

"Breakfast is served"he says like a fancy waiter.

"Thanks" I say before stuffing my face, Coda just smiles and cleans the dishes.

I get why my parents love him because I do too (like a best friend).


After I finish breakfast and get dressed, me and Coda go to school. And he takes me to my first class, hugs me bye and leaves. Oh, and guess who is sitting in the class the devil himself and he is glaring the spot where Coda was. Weird.

I walk up and sit in my seat next to the devil. "Whose the guy?"Aries says coldly.

What crawled up his butt and died?.

"None of your bee's wax, and check your attitude" I say with some of my own attitude.

"Is he your boyfriend?"he says bitterly.

"No, I'm single as a Pringle, why do you care?"

"I don't just wondering".

Weird, boys are crazy. Does he like me?,Is he jelly?. Ha, no I almost had myself going for a minute. There's no way he likes me, I'm not even that pretty. Would it be bad if I did want him to like me back? Please answer that.

"Alright class, we are doing essays and I will be assigning partners. Okay we have Clover and Tom, Leia and Aries...."he said more after that I just didn't hear it.

Ugh, I m trying to stay away from the HOT vampire. Sometimes I wish I was human because then you can like who ever you want. I'm just going to say I like him(because I do). Shamefully.

I'm soon snapped out of my thoughts by a familiar rugged voice saying "Ready to start the essay?"

"Um, sure" this is awkward.

"So what do you want to do the essay on?"

"How about civil war?"

"That's fine".

What is wrong with me? Please don't answer that. How pray tell me am I going to work with this stupid hot vampire?.

"Hey, can we talk after school?"I say.

We need to figure out where to do this dumb assignment at. Because there is no way my parents are not going to kill him, although would it be a bad thing, it would solve my probkem. 'Yes, it would be a terrible thing 'a my wolf yells in my head. Stupid wolf emotions.

"Sure" he says simply, smiling again and it sets fire to my heart, making me smile. Stupid vampire.

We work on our essay, he slides his desk right next to mine. And when we're writing are arms brush(making my heart go a hundred miles a hour), he's warmer than I thought he would be. I swear he like a freaking magnet for me.

After a few more minutes the bell rings, and Aries leaves with that hot smile on his face. He waves good bye, I wave back with that dumb smile I have had the whole time. God what is this guy doing to me?.


A half period later......

Me and Clover are walking down the hallway and out of no where Clover asks "Do you like Aries?".

How am I supposed to answer that?, 'yeah,and it's bad because he's a vampire and I'm werewolf, and by the way I know your a fairy'.

"Um" is all I manage to get out, before Coda comes up and says "What's up?,buttercup".

From one weird subject to the next. I punch him playfully and say "Not much weirdo"

"Do you girls want to sit with me and my friends?" Coda ask sweetly, and by friends he means pack. "Sure, Clover do you want to?"


We head over to Coda's 'friends' and I see the youngest of my pack. Okay, so here's the run down you have: Gray he's 15, Ryder he's 16, Russel or Rus he's 17, and of course Coda he's 16. Gray is a the pack player it drives me nuts.

Gray instantly eyes Clover, I roll my eyes.

"Hey guys this is Clover" Coda says.

Clover awkwardly waves.

"Hey guy's" I say sitting next to Coda and Clover sitting next to me.

"Hey Leia" Ryder says winking. I felt like bursting out laughing,but instead I choke on my water.

"Hey,Ryder" I say smiling.

"You know them?"Clover asks me.

"Yeah their in my park group too" I say lieing.

"Oh" she says quietly looking down at her food.

We eat with the boys making small talk hear and there. Til the hottest girl in school walks by with her boyfriend drawing Grey's attention.

"How you doing HOT stuff?" he says smirking at her.

They stop, she giggles and her boyfriend says "Did you just hit on my girlfriend?"

"Yeah I did, what are you going to do about it?"Gray says standing up, purposely ticking him off. Did I mention he loves picking fights?

I shake my head, and say "Gray stop".

He looks at me smiling and says "Why should I? She likes it"

That girls boyfriend jaw clinches, and his balls up his fist.

"Grey sit down and be quite" I snap fiercly and grit my teeth.

His face goes blank as he closes his mouth and sits down. I'm alpha so they can only say no so many times(as in once).

"I'm sorry it won't ever happen again, right Gray?" I say facing the girls boyfriend who is at least a foot taller than me.

"Yeah whatever" he mumbles, probably not happy that made him listen.

"See to it that it doesn't or else" he pokes the center of my chest harshly. Everyone looks at him like he just touched the ark of the covenant. I don't budge, 'he did not just threaten me'.

"Careful, don't make threats you can't fallow through on" I say glaring letting my wolf show a bit.

He visibly gulps and walks away with his girl. I sit down and take a breath, sometimes I feel like I'm babysitting.

We finish our meals in silence, the bell rings and I say "Bye, thanks for the seat". They all nod not daring to talk, and me and Clover walk away.

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