Chapter 19 "Fairy land"

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I hear something like a drawer opening and stuff being moved. I open my eyes slowly and sit up to see Aries holding up a pair of my socks.

"Seriously?" Aries smirks holding a pair of my socks.

The socks have little pink lips with little fangs coming out of them.

"Well sorry, I didn't expect people to be going through my sock drawer"I say sarcastically.

"Well, to be honest socks isn't exactly what I was looking for"he says with his classic smirk.

I shake my head at him smiling.

"What time is it?"say glancing at my broke alarm clock.

"Nine thirty"Aries says like it's nothing.

"Oh my God" I say jumping out of bed and running into my closest.

Oh no I'll be late. Without thinking it through I throw my top off grabbing a t-shirt suddenly glad I sleep with a bra on. I kick off my shorts to the side and put on some jeans, I can feel Aries eyes on me and I can tell he's amused.

"You do realize it's Saturday right" he chuckles

I frown "Then I'm going back to sleep" I say taking my shirt off again and grabbing my sleep top.

Aries is staring at me without a shirt on, heat rises in my cheeks. He puts his hands on my hips pulling me against him. I can't help but lean into his warmth, I look up into his deep green eyes.

I start to notice that he's leaning in. I feel a strong pull to lean in too, like a magnet. His warm soft lips touch mine heating me up like a chili pepper.

He gently moves kissing my jaw line when he reaches my neck I pull away.

"Not so fast Romeo" I say smirking.

He smiles at me "Is it to late to ask you on a date?"

I smile turning pink "No"

"Okay will you go on a date with me?" he asks smiling like he knows what I'm going to say.

I pull away saying "Nah, I'm good but thanks" and I sit on my bed after putting my sleep shirt back on.

"What?" he says looking like a puppy who didn't get the treat it was promised.

I smile "I'm just joking vamp boy. I would love to go on a date with you".

'Wait, I have to introduce him to my parents they'll kill him' I think about to have a panic attack. My wolf snickers,'oh, shut up, that means no mate for you' she stops her ears dropping.

These mate mood swings are going to be the death of me. I can't even control it.

I frown still scared.

"What?"he asks sitting down with me.

"My parents they'll kill you"I say on the verge of tears again.

I start to rack my brain for something, anything to hide what he is from my parents.

Then I think about the fairy lands,Clover.

"Oh"he says deflated.

"I have a idea"I tell him getting up and walking back to my closet.

"Okay let's hear it"he says after some silence of me getting dressed again.

I walk out "We're going to fairy land"


I open my window and Aries asks "Can't we just use the door?"

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